Coming from Colorado, I never was exposed to the glory of seafood or the sea in general.

Since I’ve arrived in France, I’ve had a beautiful awakening to the beauty of the sea and the creatures of the sea. At Ile Tudy I tried a variety of seafood. It is an interesting feeling being next to a large body of water. Especially the Atlantic, I found. Water sort of scares me in general, not going to lie. It’s so powerful. And right on the other side of this body of water is the states. We were lucky to catch the good weather (especially for Brittany) so the sun glimmered on the water into the evening hours where a beautiful sunset took place each night. I can only imagine the wonders of this place in the summertime.



Post a comment
  1. November 20, 2011

    amazing. would you e-mail me the clothes on a clothesline picture?? if it’s ok I want to make a big print!

    • Meg #
      November 20, 2011

      Done & done!

  2. Anna #
    November 21, 2011

    The colors!

  3. November 22, 2011

    Beautiful pictures as always!

    • Meg #
      November 22, 2011

      Aw!! Thanks!! :)

  4. November 23, 2011

    oh darling I loved your laundry drying photo!

    • Meg #
      November 23, 2011

      Merci! It was such a photogenic moment


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