Posts tagged Wonderful Things

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  • Ana Clara
  • Best friend
  • Brasilité
  • Ceci n'est pas de l'eau
  • Documentary
  • Portuguese


For this post of Wonderful Things, I wanted to share a video of one of my closest and dearest friends speaking in her native tongue: Portuguese.

…Because that alone is fantastic. When I first saw this, I thought to myself, SHIT, I want know that side of her. I want to understand her when she is in her element, letting the beauty of this romantic language just roll off her tongue. Since I’ve got two bestie Brazilians in my life, I did just order Portuguese for Dummies, but that is another story…

Something about listening to someone you’re close to express themselves in their maternal language is just exciting when it’s not the same as your own. I’m not sure really I can explain why it touched my heart so much. Obviously, I can’t really understand anything, but it just made me that much more excited. I’m anxious to practice with one of her other projects, Brasilité.

Language is a form of expression, a tool of communication but also a great part of our identities. It’s invigorating. Cheers to that.

Cachaça portraits: Ana Clara (English subtitles) from Ana Clara Soares on Vimeo.

Is this language not ridiculously beautiful?

Wondering what this video is about?

Ana Clara and her partner in crime, Yann-Yves have filmed and are now finishing up their first documentary called .

You can read more about it on the blog here, and also on .


All images via Note To Self Blog

I stumbled upon the Note To Self blog several months ago, and boy do I adore it. So tasteful and full of inspiration.

My favorite part about the blog is  the quotes, and I wanted to share them on here today.

There are some busy weeks aheads. I’m anxious to know where one of the paths will take me.



Aren’t these just adorable?

I met Jessie a while back, and boy I can’t get enough of her adorable illustrations. She has got some fantastically serious creative bugs running up and down her spine, and you can check it all out on her blog.

She has a way of noticing the little things and recreating them with her own style,, which I just can’t help but admire.

Obviously a full-time francophile, as she was transplanted here from Chicago with her hubby-hub French man, she is continuously making a name for herself with her unique illustrations and food styling expertise.

Don’t forget to follow her on and for her creative updates, and her blog and portfolio for more magic!


Wonderful Things No. 3: by Julian Bialowas

I found out about Julian Bialowas through the lovely blog, Fox In The Pine. His work is just too wonderful not to share.

{All photos by Julian Bialowas}

You can check out his photostream here.

And follow him on Twitter .

So wonderful, isn’t it?

Wonderful Things No. 2: Summer

Slim Aarons via SF Girl By Bay

Watermelon via Cherry Blossom Girl

1 & 2

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Swimsuits, bright colors and summery fruit.

What are your favorite things about summertime? I love being outside, evening picnics with no chills and fruity lunches with salads to refresh on a hot afternoon. Everyone seems a bit more alive when the sun is out to play.

I suppose the start of September tomorrow means the slow transition into fall? Although bright colors and contrasts seem to be very in this fall, I’m wondering when the transition will start. A week or two more of heat and beach vacations for those of you soaking up the sun and the leaves will turn and autumn will greet us! I’m stoked!

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