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All photos by Rachel Ridings

Last summer on our magical trip to Denver, my dear friend Rachel took some shots of Louis and I together in one of my favorite Denver neighborhoods, Baker. We grabbed some ice cream at Sweet Action, and to say the least, she documented the moments perfectly. I think my cone was blackcurrent lemon sorbet or something of the sort.

Discover more of Rachel’s photography on her blog.


All photos by Silvia Martins

When she was visiting Paris with her family, Silvia Martins took some pictures of Louis and I hanging out around Bir-Hakeim. I loved the colors in the shots and couldn’t resist sharing them here on the blog. Since I’m usually the crazy woman taking a million pictures, having some nice pictures of my honey and I together is always a pleasure.


I just love weddings. I haven’t been to many, um only two, but I just love seeing people in a full blown cloud of happiness. So much happiness. I love the idea of people getting together with all of those that they care about, and engaging in something extraordinary. It’s so exciting, don’t you think?

In France there’s a pretty snazzy tradition of going to your neighborhood town hall to get married before, or around the same time of, your wedding if you choose to have one. It’s an important little rendez-vous that your family and close friends can join you for, and is often followed by a little celebration. It’s also the moment you get the ever-so-golden livret de famille that the French bureaucracy finds to be so important. But enough about that blabbering, let’s take a gander at this beautiful couple.

This special day in Paris was for my friend Becca and her beau-turned-hubby, Clément. I was so flattered to get to come and shoot some pictures of them on their special day.

Becca was wearing her mother’s wedding dress which I just thought was fantastic. How adorable are these two?

Congratulations, love birds!


Last Sunday I went to the most lovely bridal shower for Sasha.

This special afternoon was filled with giggles, flowers, yummy treats and all things girly.

This particular day was also the warmest day in Paris since last September, and it really felt like Spring was actually here. The air was clear and everyone seemed so much more awake.

With a dreamy view of that big tower and some familiar faces*. we cheered our coupes of champagne rosé to love, the future and the adventures to come for the bride to be.

   I couldn’t stand not sharing these photos. From the lace to the ribbon to the macarons… precious as can be. I love being able to see the joy shine out of people’s faces like sunbeams. It was one of those days, filled with those kind of moments.

Wishing all of the best to Sasha for her marriage and her future.

A special thanks to the lovely hosts, for putting on such a marvelous event.

*Familiar faces: Anne, Kasia & Olivia


All photos by Jean-Laurent Gaudy

As tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I wanted to post these lovely photos that Jean-Laurent took of Louis and I a few weeks ago. It was what he calls a “Love session”. He has a talent for capturing beautiful candid moments. And gosh I am so happy with how they turned out!

It’s hard to get some seemingly natural shots as sometimes it’s awkward to show PDA in front of a camera, eh? We did our best.

I really like these pictures because they were taken in our apartment. In our own element. With our stuff. It felt so much more natural, and so much more true.

I love love.

You can check out the original post on Jean-Laurent’s blog here.

Don’t forget to check out his blog and for more updates and showcasing of his sublime couples photography.

Happy Valentine’s Day.


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