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It’s been a busy time these past weeks, which seems to always be the case when the holiday season rolls in. My days are better when they start with a coffee. The weeks that fly by with celebrations and seeing friends, which is infinately nice. At the office I’ve been playing my Christmas playlist over and over which makes me even more excited about the holiday festivities next week, even though my French boyfriend always asks why we have to watch The Family Stone or the Grinch every Christmas. It just is a must…

Unrelated, but I was feeling a bit nostalgic last week and thinking about memories of my elementary and middle school self: band practice, my brother picking me up in his navy blue pick-up truck after jazz bang let out, adventures at the local country club where we’d order candy and curly fries on our parents’ tabs with the other kids in the neighborhood, endless nights of running through the local golf course sprinklers and jumping on the trampoline texting boys. I have vivid memories of long summers staying up “late” with friends watching music videos on MTV. That is, before YouTube and direct access to everything and beyond. We had to watch what felt like hundreds of them before one that we actually liked came on. You know, some Britney, Blink 182, No Doubt… the memories! I got to thinking the other day, there are few things more moving than a great music video. You know, a good song and beautiful movements and visual storytelling to make a good song even more intense. I’m a sucker for that. Sometimes I even get goosebumps or teary-eyed, not even kidding…

A couple of music videos that I find to be quite rad:
The Love Within // Bloc Party
Flesh Without Blood // Grimes
Wildest Dreams // Taylor Swift
Magic // Coldplay
I Really Like You // Carly Rae Jepsen
Hopeless Wanderer // Mumford & Songs
Countdown // Beyoncé
In A World Like This // Backstreet Boys