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These past four years have flown by. So many adventures at different corners of the globe together. The days come and go but traditions give us an excuse to stop and think about things a little bit. This usually also involves a cake in our little nest. Going through some old pictures, all the memories start coming in in waves and replaying in my head…it’s when I realize à nouveau how lucky I am to get to share such a love. To four years, and many more to come with this fantastic fella.


Once upon a time in a land not so far from Pars, in a small town in Bretagne, two lovers said their vows.

I just love weddings.

Andrea and Christophe’s franco-american wedding was in a small town in Brittany this summer. It was a precious weekend full of sunshine and a good old fashioned fun time. The civil wedding was in the little Mairie of Jugon-les-Lacs. As the bride stepped out of the car, everyone peeked out the window of the first floor, where the wedding was taking place, to get a glimpse. From above the detail of her vintage lace dress was not yet visible, but we could all see her red lipstick, and could see the anticipation in Christophe’s eyes. It was magic.

The reception was held in the most beautiful stone home about a 5 minute drive from the town center. The signs marked the distances to Paris and to Indiana, ’twas precious. The flowers all around were colorful and in bloom. The lights were not yet lit, but the tent covered the most precious decorations and triangle banners draped from side to site. The cocktails were ready, and the feasting began.

We danced the night away. Congratulations, Andrea and Christophe.



I just love weddings. I haven’t been to many, um only two, but I just love seeing people in a full blown cloud of happiness. So much happiness. I love the idea of people getting together with all of those that they care about, and engaging in something extraordinary. It’s so exciting, don’t you think?

In France there’s a pretty snazzy tradition of going to your neighborhood town hall to get married before, or around the same time of, your wedding if you choose to have one. It’s an important little rendez-vous that your family and close friends can join you for, and is often followed by a little celebration. It’s also the moment you get the ever-so-golden livret de famille that the French bureaucracy finds to be so important. But enough about that blabbering, let’s take a gander at this beautiful couple.

This special day in Paris was for my friend Becca and her beau-turned-hubby, Clément. I was so flattered to get to come and shoot some pictures of them on their special day.

Becca was wearing her mother’s wedding dress which I just thought was fantastic. How adorable are these two?

Congratulations, love birds!


Of course it starts with a Photobooth.

photomatonAnniversary cake by Sugar Daze - de quelle planete es tu?Anniversary cake by Sugar Daze - De quelle planète es-tu?

Cake by Sugar Daze

Isn’t it funny how a day can be so special to two people? A day. Such a weird thing. One out of 365. And most people would never know. Like a little secret that is shared from time to time. Any day could be a very special day to someone. It’s exciting, and is so beautiful I find. I’m sure amongst all the people I’ve met or crossed paths with, every day of the year is covered in terms of special days or celebrations. Maybe it’s the birthday of someone I pass in the metro or make eye contact in the street. Maybe they’re on their way to celebrate something or someone or anything.

Yesterday was a special day for me.

I’m sure today is a very special day for someone too.