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​Three Coloradans at the Eiffel Tower. Last summer was pretty magical, with lovely ladies in town and a hot summer that weirdly enough felt longer than the others after a long trip to Denver, and some down time before my professional life kicked off.​

Valerie was still living in Paris, one of my partners in crime and another Colorado francophile and my dear friend Rachel came to visit Paris for the first time. A trip to the Champs de Mars is always in store. As I’ve expressed previously on this little blog of mine, I love how full of locals this park is, depite being the pinacle of all tourism in the City of Lights. 7th dwellers come for a jog or to lay in the sun, other locals treck the city for the most cliché view with a bottle of wine or two… it’s pretty fantastic, even when packed.

I’m ready for some fresh air. Paris feels more alive in summertime.


Les Deux Abeilles is a precious little restaurant and tea room in the 7th arrondissement, right around the corner from the Eiffel Tower. It’s got that homey- grandma feel… the floral wallpaper, the wooden shelves and furniture with the cakes all sliced perfectly and placed nicely on cake plates, the white tablecloths and greenery indoors…. It’s cozy and girly but elegant, and has everything you could hope for on  the savory menu, from salads to quiches to pasta . The dessert menu offers all of the classic tarts, lemon, apple, rhubarb, chocolate, crumbles of all sorts…

I discovered this place through a colleague, despite having studied all four years of my Bachelor’s degree only 5 minutes away. Lunches are crowded and reservations most certainly needed, but pop by a late afternoon after a stroll along the Seine and have a high tea if they’ve got open tables. You’ll feel as if you’re in a farm house paradise far away from the hustle bustle of Paris. The hometown feel screams ladies who lunch, and they’ve got a killer hot chocolate to lure you in in the winter months.

It’s open from 9am to 7pm, best for lunch and high tea. The back room is like an indoor courtyard, with heaps of light and the perfect ambiance for a slice of tart with your favorite tea.

Les Deux Abeilles
189 Rue de l’Université, 75007
Métro: Alma Marceau (9)
Reservations needed


Sometimes a little cocktail on a week night does the soul good. If you’re looking for a place to get a delicious cocktail in a sublime atmosphere, I’ve got the place for you: The Club.

I discovered The Club a little over a year ago (shown previously here), and I must say, it is one of my favorite spots in Paris. The atmosphere is uncomparable – so tasteful – and boy are the guys that run it kind! They’ve even got some delicious bottled beers hidden in their black Smeg, including a personal Colorado favorite, Blue Moon!

I usually go for the Old Fashioned.

The Club
24, rue Surcouf, 75007
Métro: La Tour Maubourg (8) / Invalides (8,13)


Brunch out on a summer day is always fantastic. The brunch scene in Paris has exploded, and it’s basically offered at every and any café in the city. One of my favorite spots is on one of the precious streets of Paris’s 7th arrondissement, L’Eclair.

I had been for a date with my honey, and couldn’t wait to try their brunch. When some girls who I met while in high school in Normandy were in town for the weekend, I figured it would be the perfect place to go on a Saturday morning for some nice conversation and some pastries.

The brunch at Eclair is 19 euros, and with it you get a coffee or tea of your choice, freshly squeezed orange juice, your own basket of pastries and sweets (even delicious cookies and brownies) and then eggs of your choice. Nadine, Sonia and Justine went with scrambled, I tried the oeuf à la coque. I had always wondered about them, and this was the first time I officially tried it, which made me a happy camper.  It is a staple in the imagined French brunch, with the little glass cups that prop them up and strips of toast to dip.

We left quite stuffed.

Brunch on a terrace is one of the best thing about summer weekends.

32 rue Cler, 75007
Métro: École Militaire/La Tour Maubourg (8)


This girl. Such a cutie pie. Sporting her -->bling -->.

Summertime strolls aren’t the same without some sweet things to munch on, right? And why not an epic backdrop to top it all off…

Have a happy weekend, everyone!

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