Posts tagged On the street

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I went through a phase (one that still comes and goes) where I would make quite often homemade sushi. It is always so refreshing and gosh, so simple to make.

To get the goods, I pop around rue Sainte Anne with the gal that got me addicted to homemade sushi, miss Valerie. Rue Saint Anne, well known for the plethora of delicious Asian cuisine restaurants of all price ranges, also houses a few Asian supermarkets that are filled with surprises to fill up your sushi and get creative with noodles.

Kinfolk’s Parisian Picnic

This week was the Kinfolk Paris picnic organized miss Rubi from She Lets Her Hair Down and Tifamade.

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It was a very lovely and whimsical picnic right at the foot of that big radio tower that everyone knows so well.

The candles were lit and duralex cups held down our place holders, and the gray skies scared us ever so slightly at the beginning. The breeze of the Seine felt so refreshing after such heat here in the city of lights. The bouffe by Tifamade was absolutely delicious (I can’t wait to order more of her sandwiches sometime!).

All in all, it was a very magical evening and it was so wonderful to meet so many interesting people who dwell in this fab city.


I am getting back into the swing of the Parisian lifestyle. My little break back home in Denver sure was an adventure and it was so lovely to rediscover the streets and places I used to know so well.

These pictures are taken at the market that pops up in my neighborhood a few times a week. It is always so fun to roam and awe over the bright colors of fruits, veggies and so much more. It makes me so ready to grab a bag of fruit and sit in a park. What are your favorite things to do in your neighborhood?

Today I went to Champagne for the first time, and I will post on this very soon. It was quite the experience and boy the French countryside is stunning.

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I just did my first contribution to the site Untapped Cities! Check it out here.

I am ready for spring. Paris, what is up with this weather?

Got back to my Denver roots last week, more posts to come on that soon!

Spending some more time in Las Vegas sounds like fun.

Check out what Laura‘s got up her sleeve lately!

Make some paper carrot cuts for Easter!

So many wonderful shoes...

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