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Only a whopping 5 minute walk from where I live is this magical place, the Jardin des Serres d’Auteuil.

If you are a Parisian and know how crowded all the major parks get on a hot day with a cloudless sky, you can imagine how nice it is to have one that is never THAT crowded right next to your apartment. A true luxury if you ask me. There’s always space, it’s calm and a stress-free zone. Plus, there are greenhouses you can take a stroll through if you dare.

I will admit that rain or shine I love this place, for a jog, for a picnic, for a stroll… it’s just fantastic and a staple in my little Parisian life.


The sun is finally coming out a bit and I can’t help to think about how refreshing it is. This winter was an awkwardly mild one, and Spring has taken some time to stick. I’m horrible at dressing for the weather, I always find myself too hot or too cold. It’s silly, really.

I’m one of those people where the grass is always greener: in winter I think about summer and picnics and coffees on terraces and big sunnies, but in summer I think about how charming winter is. As of today, I am grateful for the arrival of sunshine, later sunsets and outdoor strolls and adventures on the weekends.


This restaurant is one of the few good ones in our hood. It’s got a cozy atmosphere with lovely decor – big ball lights, wooden tables, checkered knick knacks and some signage. They’ve got two terraces- one on each side of the building, which are fabulous in the summertime for a dinner out in the most western part of Paris.

Les Deux Stations features French classics on their menu: from chicken dishes to seafood dishes, I’ve never been disappointed. I totally forgot to get a picture of Louis’s drool)-worthy steak tartare. They also have a tagada dessert on their menu (you know, those little Haribo red candies that are addicting? This dessert tastes like that) that Louis’s dad got once that was utterly amazing.

Louis and I got out of the house one week night and strolled over to Les Deux Stations. I had never really thought about it but the name comes from the fact that there are old gasoline stations (those little side of the road ones) on the streets on both sides. I found that to make the place even more charming.

I find myself loving dinners out at random neighborhood treasures. Sometimes we don’t need to cross the town to go to “that new trendy neo bistro”.

Les Deux Stations
161 Boulevard Exelmans, 75016
Métro: Porte d’Auteuil (10)


This past fall, a very talented lady friend took some pictures of Olivia and I at one of my favorite Parisian places, the Serres d’Auteuil. The greenhouses were perfect for Stacey’s whimsical photography style. The air was crisp and the red and orange leaves ha fallen and were all over the park.

Our denim outfits left us a bit chilly, but it was pure magic to be in the beautiful greenhouses escaping the chill and feeling like we were far far away somewhere tropical.

   All photos by Stacey Lamb

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