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It’s always a mystery where the time goes. But for some reasons thinking about previous summers always feels like it was just last week. Summer in the city is rough. I’m slightly sarcastic when I say that. Paris gets hot, and one a handful of places have A/C, August is a no man’s land… the list could go on. But I love it in the summer, parking in some grass and just enjoying the sun and people watching somewhere lovely like Montmartre.

One thing I love about summer is people coming to town. It’s considered “normal” to travel in the summertime, right? Last summer my dear friend Rachel added Paris to her list of European destinations, as you’ve probably seen here on the blog as I’ve posted a few more of our adventures. For Paris, summer is almost like a homecoming season. Having gone to University in Paris, it is more common than not that people who left the city swing back by to get their fill of Paris before heading back to their busy lives elsewhere. I find it to be so lovely, little apéros filled with familiar faces, catching up over some rosé…

Now let’s talk about time real quick, summer this year has already been thrown into full swing out of NOWHERE. I am strill trying to catch up. We went from gray skies and light jackets to the hot hot heat and BOOM the Parisians are gone and it’s that season where the city seems pleasantly asleep. I kind of wish time would slow down a bit. I remember when the end of the week felt like it would never come, now I’m hoping to take advantage of time with dear friends and people I care about, admire and enjoy spending time with. Sooner than we know it it will be winter again and this year will be history.

I feel like growing up, and even up until recently there’s that one thing that “marks” your summer, for example my family would drive out to some random roller coaster because my brother was a huge roller coaster fan. Flashback to just last year I had a brilliant trip to the Rockies (proof + proof), a pit stop in Hawaii for some adventures, Rachel visiting… this year as I’m in full swing with the new job, I’m not sure I’ll have a big travel marker of my summer. Perhaps a calm summer en ville will do my soul equally as good. Staycation. At least mom came to visit, which was pure magic. I couldn’t be happier. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more at home as I do now, this summer.

Rue Orsel

Rue Orsel is one gosh darn charming street in Montmartre. Right below la butte, it is the home of various adorable shops, cafés and beautifully colored doors.
, and Milk are some of my favorite spots on the street.

You can find fantastic goods from the Brittany region of France at and oodles of wonderful Swedish treasures at . Milk is adorable with a delicious brunch. Quite the packed street, eh? It’s dangerous!

I love strolling around this neighborhood to check out the new treasures.

Have you taken a walk down this street?



De tous les quartiers dans lesquels j’ai vécu ces dernières années à Paris, Montmartre est mon préféré.

Comme le petit village de la butte qu’il est, l’atmosphère autour avait quelque chose de plus à m’offrir… même si je n’arrive pas à la préciser. Chaque fois que j’y suis je me dis qu’est=ce qu’il est génial comme quartier.

Est-ce que tu as un quartier qui te fais cet effet?


Une fois j’étais Montmartoise

This will always be my favorite part of Paris. And of all the areas I’ve lived in, this one was certainly your favorite. It is its own little village, and so gosh darn charming.

I’ll always be Montmartoise at heart.

Strolling in the 18th

As a matter of fact, today I strolled in quite a few arrondissements with great company. But I will focus on the 18th, as I deeply miss being a Montmartoise, and cannot wait to be one again in the future- as it is my favorite part of Paris, and I truly miss living at Lamarck to roam the hilly streets! It all started with a cupcake at Berko.

Ca commence: If you get off the metro at Blanche, on line 2, exiting right in front of the Moulin Rouge– amongst other interesting things…  you can walk upRue Lépic (passing Café des Deux Moulins of the famous Amélie Poulain) and pop into Berko for a cupcake à emporter or sur place. Continuing upwards, at the top of the street you go to your right on Rue des Abbesses towards metro stop Abbesses, which leads to the bottom of Montmartre (la butte!). But, if you’re feeling adventurous — as we were today– go on any street that seems like it’s going upwards, and eventually you will find the top with Sacré Coeur. This particular Friday we had the pleasure of arriving at the top just as the guy singing and playing the guitar  on the steps was singing an acoustic version of “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys. Let’s just say that this moment ultimately made my day even MORE amazing. With the view of Paris, of course.

We then heading down on the left side of Sacré Coeur (while facing the city of Paris, back to the church) and sat in the grass  for a bit before heading to Halle Saint Pierre (epic books!!!!!) and  Marché Saint Pierre  to wander around. This is the perfect place for fabric- F.Y.I.: gingham galore in EVERY color! Montmartre is definitely my favorite part of Paris. There is effortless charm and bundles of precious galore anywhere you turn your head. Wander stories will continue in this quartier, that is for sure.

Until next time, Montmartre coté sud………