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This weekend was a very special one. For my birthday, along with Valerie and her man who is in town, we headed to the in-laws fantastically adorable home for a weekend full of delicious grub and surprises. It was cold and foggy most of the weekend, which was the perfect context for making hearty gratins and staying cozy by the fire with a few rounds of Cards Against Humanity and some whisky.

We picked vegetables from the garden and enjoyed the calm of the countryside, even having the chance to visit a neighbor’s farm to see his tractor collection. The fact that he makes his own moonshine and gave me some of his homemade eau-de-vie for my birthday was pretty much a cherry on top.

However, I am clearly the most spoiled person alive, as this birthday weekend didn’t end here…. little did I know that coming back to Paris on Sunday night, there were some snazzy people that I really care about waiting for me at Troll Café to drink a beer together.

It all ended with samosas galore, as the best birthday in the world should. I am still in shock about how fantastic and culturally mixed this day was: a delicious French lunch with the family and surprise local brews, homemade eau-de-vie and tractors with a true campagnard who seemed like he had never met foreigners before, surprise beer extravaganza at Troll Café where they have one of my favorite random beers (Mongozo Banana) and then a bag full of samosas on the house from my favorite Indian restaurant. Does this not sound like a dream? I am the most spoiled person alive.

A special thank you to my dearest honey for planning this, and to all of my dear friends who made this day so magical.



The second round of festivities that Olivia did not know were going to exist.

Surprises are just so fun.

Well, Olivia sure was surprised by what her beau had organized! A romantic date at Au Père Tranquille turned out to be a night full of laughs with her closest pals… it was a hoot. I also just love those firecracker candle things. I couldn’t resist sharing these pictures on here with you guys. A tarte tatin with firework sizzle candles? Priceless.

Au Père Tranquille’s steak tartare sure was delicious, and they were so kind to cooperate with this surprise event that Olivia’s honey pie organized. Thumbs up!

Have you ever been surprised for your birthday? I feel like in the past I’ve sometimes been the person that gives away the surprise. I just unknowingly let it out with excitement! I’m glad that didn’t happen this time.

Jamón in the mail

This is a story of a surprise package in the mail… with something delicious inside.

So when I was in Amsterdam visiting a close friend, I had the opportunity to meet her honey and his crew that were all Catalan. On this trip I discovered Spanish food. I have never been to Spain (YET), but this was certainly the closest I’ve felt!

I fell in love with the jamón. It is just so delicious and finely cut. So distinct. Just damn tasteful.

A few weeks after I had received a small white package in the mail with no return address, and it was the cutest surprise of all time….. JAMON IN THE MAIL FROM BARCELONA. IT WASN’T A DREAM.

Could my pals be any sweeter? I’m spoiled!

Have you ever received something crazily adorable in the mail?