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Wonderful Things No. 2: Summer

Slim Aarons via SF Girl By Bay

Watermelon via Cherry Blossom Girl

1 & 2

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Swimsuits, bright colors and summery fruit.

What are your favorite things about summertime? I love being outside, evening picnics with no chills and fruity lunches with salads to refresh on a hot afternoon. Everyone seems a bit more alive when the sun is out to play.

I suppose the start of September tomorrow means the slow transition into fall? Although bright colors and contrasts seem to be very in this fall, I’m wondering when the transition will start. A week or two more of heat and beach vacations for those of you soaking up the sun and the leaves will turn and autumn will greet us! I’m stoked!

Colorova Pâtisserie & Salon de Thé

Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova Patisserie, Paris, Salon de thé, 6èmeColorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?Colorova, Paris 6th, De quelle planete es tu?

Last Friday, which happened to be an amazing day already, Louis and I stumbled upon Colorova… by surprise! It turned into the most wonderful spontaneous breakfast. Colorova opened in Paris only a week ago, and has so much to share with you all! It’s clean and simple look, delicious food and comfy atmosphere is pure perfection. Their mint SMEG fridge will catch your eye as soon as you walk in.

Colorova is mainly a bakery but also a tea room. You can get breakfast, brunch, lunch, a delicious cup of tea or even just a little snack to go.

This certainly is one of my new favorite places and I can’t wait to go back all the time. It’s open daily, so you should stop in and give it a whirl, you’ll fall in love. Just an FYI, make a reservation if you go for brunch.

Address: 47 rue de l’Abbé Grégoire, 75006
Métro: Saint Placide (4) / Sèvres Babylone (10/12)


Kinfolk’s Parisian Picnic

This week was the Kinfolk Paris picnic organized miss Rubi from She Lets Her Hair Down and Tifamade.

Kinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, Picnic, TifamadeKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, PicnicKinfolk, Paris, Picnic

It was a very lovely and whimsical picnic right at the foot of that big radio tower that everyone knows so well.

The candles were lit and duralex cups held down our place holders, and the gray skies scared us ever so slightly at the beginning. The breeze of the Seine felt so refreshing after such heat here in the city of lights. The bouffe by Tifamade was absolutely delicious (I can’t wait to order more of her sandwiches sometime!).

All in all, it was a very magical evening and it was so wonderful to meet so many interesting people who dwell in this fab city.

Trois petites choses de vendredi




Louis and I made a daytrip out to the Etang de Meudon- a little forest right south of Paris. It was so nice to take in some fresh air and admire all of the beautiful trees. We were lucky to find oodles of wild berries that were super delicious.

What’s better than a summer salad with so many great elements?

Last night we went to the Kinfolk Paris picnic. I can’t wait to share some photos on here with you. We had delicious picnic treats made by Tifamade with the help of miss Rubi. It really was an amazing evening with a great view of that big tower everyone knows so well.

The Flower Walk

Paris’s Promenade Plantée– also known as the Coulée Verte– is often compared to New York’s highline, as it is a  lovely green stroll in the middle of the city. Spanning across the 12th district of Paris, the Coulée Verte reaches a total of 4.5 kilometers, all the way from Bastille to the Bois de Vincennes, following the old Vincennes rail line. Interestingly enough, the Promenade Plantée’s elevated park was the only one of it’s kind for many years when first constructed in the early 90’s  (source).

Promenade Plantée, Coulée Verte, Paris 12thPromenade Plantée, Coulée Verte, Paris 12thPromenade Plantée, Coulée Verte, Paris 12thPromenade Plantée, Coulée Verte, Paris 12thPromenade Plantée, Coulée Verte, Paris 12thPromenade Plantée, Coulée Verte, Paris 12thFlower Walk, Paris, Flower Walk, Coulee Verte, Paris, 12thFlower Walk, Coulee Verte, Paris, De quelle planete es tu?Promenade Plantée ParisParis Flower WalkParis Flower WalkPromenade Plantée ParisPromenade Plantée, Coulée Verte, Paris 12th

Promenade Plantée, Coulée Verte, Paris 12th

Part of what is so unique about this flower walk are the ups and downs through buildings and parks and tunnels… with several different atmospheres, views and Parisian personalities…. all on one fantastic flowery walk!

I find this to be one of the most charming places in Paris. It is different than any other stroll, and you can see so many different landscapes of one beautiful city on a clearly laid out path. You can cross the entire thing, or you can start somewhere in the middle and wander either way, the choice is yours! The flowers will be ready to greet you and make you smile. When down in the tunnels you won’t feel like you’re in a city anymore, and when you cross the Jardin de Reuilly you’ll probably be urged to stop and have a picnic there on the seemingly fresh green grass contrasting so nicely with the beige Parisian buildings and the  blue sky. It’s just wonderful.

The Promenade Plantée is open daily from 9am to 8pm or 9pm depending on the season.

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