A weekend spent near Poitiers in a dreamy chateau thanks to G&T Weekends.

g&t weekend in poitiers - de quelle planete es tu -18

Sometimes what can do the soul some good is a weekend trip to a castle. Not even kidding. There’s something magical about waking up in a castle. Not having to worry about anything, not having to cook or clean… just a good time with good people. It’s quite simple, you get some snazzy people in one place and magic can be made. This is what G&T Weekends does. This particular G&T weekend organized by the charming duo Gillian and Tess took place in a castle near the town of Poitiers, about a 3 1/2 hour drive from Paris. I had found out about the Easter weekend extravaganza through my girlfriends Haleigh and Lou, and totally knew that I wanted to be a part of it, eep!

The Chateau St. Julien truly was a little treasure in the French countryside, so charming, tucked next to the church of a small town called Saint-Julien-l’Ars with camellias and daffodils everywhere. Its pastel towers are the perfect contrast with any color sky, but preferably baby blue. It has medieval towers with beautiful hallways and secret rooms, a rad spiral staircase, an estate with perfectly lined trees, clawfoot bathtubs, a cozy fireplace and beautiful tiles… the works. 33 young professionals (and good-time cravers) came together that weekend, and we had delicious meals at one long table and our hearts were filled with joy. Between prepared rosé-filled feasts, strolls outdoors with champagne flutes in hand and fireside chats into the wee hours of the morning, there was laughing and even more dancing. We even went horseback riding one morning, took a cooking class and had a French-themed champagne tasting. Everything was prepared for us, and the only thing guests have to do at G&T weekends is have a good time, they sure know how to pamper! There were even snacks!

As busy humans it’s so easy to get caught up in routine and work and work and work, let’s just say a long weekend away with bottomless wine was much needed, and the people there were just sublime.

More about G&T Weekends and their upcoming trips planned in Europe on their site and of course with 


One Comment

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  1. April 28, 2016

    The photos are so dreamy, and the weekends seems to have been pretty rad… now I wish I had been invited as too!! ^^



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