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Being home for the holidays makes my heart all warm inside. Rediscovering little traditions and the little things that make Christmas just perfect and full of love. Every year my mom gets us each a glass ornament, and it’s always spot on. Mine have ranged from a French flag, to French cheese, to a camel to a stiletto to a pint of beer to a nutcracker. My sister’s range from a snowboard boot, to an octopus to a peace sign to round peace glasses. The brother’s range from a rocket ship to a burger to a tennis racket. It’s always just spot on. Now that our family has become bigger, the sister-in-law, baby nephew, stepsisters and Louis are included in the growing collection. When I’m here I always ask myself how I could ever miss a Christmas at home in Colorado.

Christmas Day always involves strata by my stepdad which I anxiously wait for even the night before while watching Home Alone and the Family Stone, as I can smell it as it’s being prepared.

This year we may just get a fresh layer of snow, which adds to the charm of this magical place. Wishing you very happy holidays, wherever you may be.



I’ve been going through my Colorado pictures from my vacation in June, and am so excited to continue to share them with you all. So many beautiful landscapes and delicious brews and things to do.

It’s always a hoot going home.

I realize how much I love the state of Colorado, and the lifestyle there. It’s active and full of stunning backdrops. Colorado’s food culture is constantly evolving, with new cafés and restaurants opening left and right in old garages alongside breweries and storefronts. Denver neighborhoods are expanding and showcasing new places and spaces in untouched corners of the city. I crave this city sometimes. The grid that it sits on, parts diagonally, and the summertime sunsets that glow on the Rockies.

On a sidenote, I’ve recently realized how many Coloradans I know here in Paris, and it made my heart lift up a bit. I just adore Denver and its surroundings, and feel like such a lucky girl to have been raised there.



After a month on the stateside, I am finally back home in Paris. Despite jet lag and my obsession for immediately putting every single thing back in order, I’ve got some time to relax and breath. Going home to Colorado is never completely relaxing, so lucky we had some beach time in Hawaii. It’s nice to feel bored sometimes.

Whenever I’m flying back over the Atlantic, often a flight filled with first-timers to Paris, I think about how lucky I am to live in such a beautiful city. This life I’ve created certainly seems unreal at times. I also wonder what I had in me that made it happen. Thank goodness it did, because I wouldn’t have it any other way. Perhaps that’s why it hits me when I am so anxious to get back to my stuff. My books. My frame-filled walls. My homegirls. My teacups. My blue couch. Am I ridiculous?

And of course, with some fresh flowers in the room, I can really feel summer in Paris has finally arrived. However, now it’s back to the real world, and a transitional month and the speed really picking up right about now.


The sun was shining through the other day and it brought some new tints into the apartment. It was so refreshing.

Some sunshine in the home always does some good. With the cold it makes me so anxious for spring.

Lately I’ve been such a homebody. Not really sure why, but it’s been an intense end to winter, and I feel so cozy and at ease at home. It’s nice to just stay warm and avoid the bitter cold at times with a cup of tea. I always find new ways to put holes in my walls and add some this & that’s.

I’m anxious for the longer days.



All photos by Jean-Laurent Gaudy

As tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, I wanted to post these lovely photos that Jean-Laurent took of Louis and I a few weeks ago. It was what he calls a “Love session”. He has a talent for capturing beautiful candid moments. And gosh I am so happy with how they turned out!

It’s hard to get some seemingly natural shots as sometimes it’s awkward to show PDA in front of a camera, eh? We did our best.

I really like these pictures because they were taken in our apartment. In our own element. With our stuff. It felt so much more natural, and so much more true.

I love love.

You can check out the original post on Jean-Laurent’s blog here.

Don’t forget to check out his blog and for more updates and showcasing of his sublime couples photography.

Happy Valentine’s Day.


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