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Sometimes all I need is a warm cup of tea on a rainy gray winter day.

My teacups pair so nicely with my napkins from Lovely Stitch. Aren’t they just a stitch?! Hehe. If you are looking for little tea time accessories, it’s definitely the place to look!

You can follow Kaylee, the gal who makes so many fabulous things, on and  as well.


I just couldn’t resist not sharing this after reading about it. The agency Datagif did the design and development for the site Affiches Pour Tous for the demonstration that took place this past Sunday.

On this site, people could download one or many prints of their liking to print out themselves, and place on cardboard as a slogan for their march from Denfert Rochereau to Bastille. As you can see in photographs and videos from the demonstration last Sunday, these graphics branded the demonstration in a way, as hundreds of people marched with these clever, clear and colorful signs.

Great idea, right?

Affiches pour tous from Datagif on Vimeo.

Source: Affiches Pour Tous

1/ Giving me rights will not change yours
2/ I want my sister to have the same rights as me
3/ Yes
4/ Equality for our children too!
5/ Equality without negotiation
6/ We want rice at town hall
7/ Our love is stronger than your hate
8/ Hate is not a family value

For more creative inspiration & some facts on the matter, be sure to check out their dernier inventaire avant le mariage pour tous. I just love the way they present everything. You can purchase the book .


It was the first sunny day in a while.

Yesterday was the demonstration for Mariage Pour Tous [Marriage for all], a law that is to be . This was my first participation in a French manifestation. Exciting it was, indeed!

Passionate and emotional people of both sexes, all age groups and colors, gathered in the streets and marched to fight for equality in the country that holds the word in it’s slogan.

The sun was shining and people were chanting. It was just so powerful. And after the disgusting demonstration against this law that is to be voted on two weeks ago, some positivity was needed. What happened two weeks ago basically was 340k people from all over France gathering to fight against something that doesn’t even effect them. It made my heart ache to think about how many ignorant and close minded people there are in the world, and I am anxious for a change to be made especially in a powerful country like France. This will change the lives of so many families, children and couples.

It’s 2013. It’s time for people to be treated equal, and for everyone to be able to marry, adopt or have children with the person of their choosing- no matter what sex they are. The hundreds of Belgians that were marching yesterday are right….the cried, “Allez la France, un petit effort” [Come on France, give a little effort].

On a side note, all of the signs were so well done. Some of my favorite quotes from signs included:

“Homosexuality is not a choice, but equality is”

“We want to deal with the same shit as heteros deal with”

“Did anyone ever ask my opinion on your marriage?”

“Belgium legalized gay marriage in 2003, and the country still exists, and people still eat fries with mussels”

“Two moms is worth more than a shitty dad”

For some more pictures & opinions on the event, you can check out my friend Ana Clara’s blog for a good read.

Je suis fière d’être du bon côté de l’histoire.




Aren’t these just adorable?

I met Jessie a while back, and boy I can’t get enough of her adorable illustrations. She has got some fantastically serious creative bugs running up and down her spine, and you can check it all out on her blog.

She has a way of noticing the little things and recreating them with her own style,, which I just can’t help but admire.

Obviously a full-time francophile, as she was transplanted here from Chicago with her hubby-hub French man, she is continuously making a name for herself with her unique illustrations and food styling expertise.

Don’t forget to follow her on and for her creative updates, and her blog and portfolio for more magic!



This morning I went to Creative Mornings for the first time, enfin! I have been meaning to go for quite some time now. The speaker, Christian de Boisredon, creator of Spark News, gave a prez titled “Happiness”. It was so nice to get some inspiration so early in the day.

Sometimes a simple lunch is just what I need. I am getting better and better at making homemade croque monsieurs. Gettin’ creative!

On Monday night, I was so lucky to get to check out Le Foodist‘s Daring Pairing. These happen a few times per month, and are a great way to discover French culture through two of France’s most prided things: cheese and wine. I can now safely say which cheeses can go with Sancerre, Corbières and Jurancon, and Saint Emilion. Bring it on. I can’t wait to take my mom to do this when she visits next!

I hope your week was smashing.

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