Posts from the BEER Category

beer in paris - de quelle planete es tu -01
​The City of Light has been exploding with all things ​beer over the past couple of years: breweries launching, specialized boutiques opening up shop, cozy cafés offering local craft beers on tap, an atelier where you can learn to brew your own beer, but also the classic taverns in the game offering neighboring Belgium’s trappist and abbey ales with moules-frites and the local soccer match on. Craft beer becoming more popular in Paris over the past two years especially means more places to find delicious beer and discover small European breweries that you may not have otherwise. It’s just all so wonderful!

Sometimes nothing is better than a cold beer of your choosing at a cute spot with good company. Here is a list of some of my favorite places to indulge:
Bar L’orillon (Brasserie with yummy beers on tap)
El Tast (Charcuterie & bottle shop with selection of bottled beers chilled to enjoy sur place)
Express de Lyon (Your typical neighborhood corner bar that happens to have heaps of craft beer on tap)
Falstaff (Tavern with heaps of Belgian beer)
Fontaine de Belleville (Traditional French décor brasserie with local beer & coffee)
Hoppy Corner (Bar with 15 or so taps of craft beer & snacks)
Le Triangle (Gastropub and microbrewery)
Les Trois 8 (Craft beer pub with killer cheese & meat platters)
Paname Brewing Company (Taproom, great terrace for the warmer months)
Supercoin (Dive bar with great beers on top & in bottles)


Behind Montmartre is the home to a little secret… Paris’s German beer garden. Inspired by German everything, Kiez has a selection of German beers on tap, amongst other boissons, German snacks and heaps of German déco. Bref, it’s Bavarian madness and a great spot for a beer or five. This is making me excited for my weekend in Munich!

Lovelies Lauren Lou and Anne joined me to check out the place, and I immediately fell in love: laid back atmosphere with big tables and adorable knick-knacks, delicious Deutsche lagers, an outdoor patio perfect for the warm months …and of course, pretzels.

Kiez Biergarten Parisien
24 Rue Vauvenargues, 75018 Paris
Métro: Guy Môquet


I am quite the fan of the 20th district of paris. Just the area in general. The northern part of the Western group of neighborhoods is often misunderstood, but slowly appealing more and more to a trendy or entrepreneurial crowd. New places are opening, new people are heading west to hang out or find good grub.

When I first moved to Paris in 2008, I remember I didn’t venture up by Belleville often – hardly ever – no one I knew did. But it did have a certain allure to it, I was curious about it. When I lived at Lamark Caulaincourt it was considered “too far away” to some of my friends. I’d look at a metro map and I remember thinking that the area I currently live in (southern 16th) was SO FAR AWAY. Ha. Now “far away” doesn’t seem exist in Paris. It’s funny to see how much Paris has grown and changed (not negatively) over the past 6 years, and how much the city has shrunk in my eyes over the past few years.

As for the 20th, this district I just like so much; the well known Rue Denoyez was one of the main things I wanted to take my mom to see when she was in town, not to mention my favorite craft beer spot.

As a sidnote on the always evolving Paris, the amount of international cafés and store fronts that have opened recently really could be in any city in my opinion. These places (so many of which I frequent and thoroughly enjoy) don’t interest me show to close ones in town… I feel like often their identity isn’t linked to Paris, but to a niche or urban trend that hit Paris a bit en retard. It’s a mystery. The sometimes grunginess of streets off the beaten path give Paris even more personality, and make it feel real.

Where do you take your loved ones when they’re in town? I find it hard sometimes to balance between favorite spots, but also spots that aren’t so “this place could be in any city”….

I did a stroll through the 20th post, with heaps of recommendations in 2011. Looks like I’m going to have to update this post as so much has changed over the past few years.


Sometimes a few good chilled beers is all you need to bring over to a friend’s place for an impromptu apéro & beer tasting… ideally after a quick stop at one of Paris’s beer shops (post of all of my favorite beer spots coming soon).

Photographed above are the fabulously labeled bottles of Brasserie de la Senne, one of my current fav’ European brasseries right now, located Brussels. It’s the ultimate Belgian craft brewery.

Stay tuned for my favorite beer stops in Paris, coming soon.


Paris’s craft beer world has somewhat exploded these past few months… in a good way. Microbreweries are popping up, and filling up beer shops across the city. Places like Deck & Donohue, Les Trois 8 and Fine Mousse are changing the way Parisians see their city’s beloved – and local -beer scene.

On the other hand, however, classic brew pubs (not sure what else to call them… Belgian brew pubs?) are still as lovely as ever – some of which have been around for quite some time and have a different feel (kind of like the Express the Lyon that just happens to have both Belgian classics and new craft breweries on tap). Not too far from the fabulous Académie de la Bière, in the Montparnasse neighborhood, Falstaff is a favorite in my book for a beer in Paris (or five) with dinner.

Falstaff is simple. They’ve got TVs for rugby and soccer games and glazed over eyes parked in front of them, simple tables with simple chairs and a drool-worthy menu. It’s not what some would consider “trendy” nor is it filled with bearded hipsters, oh no. It’s just fantastic and genuine in it’s own special we’ve-got-yummy-beer-and-delicious-moules-frites kind of way. Recommended on a random week night for a spontaneous get together.

42 Rue du Montparnasse, 75014

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