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Easter is a holiday I grew up only celebrating the all-American-commercial type of way. It was a day filled with family and close friends, epic Easter baskets carefully crafted and well thought out by my mom, egg painting and plastic egg filling for the big hunt, Easter candy corn binging and Charlie Brown. One year my sister and I even got Furbies for Easter, which was pretty intense. I have random blurry memories of huge fields in the mountains with tons of kids and someone dressed up in a huge bunny costume. I would wear pastels dresses and Keds and feel so delighted to look under rocks and behind trees for the colorful hidden eggs.

Easter now is something still close to my heart. The tradition part of it has stuck with me, despite having never grown up with the true reason for celebrating Easter (oops). Even when far away from actual family, brunches with girlfriends and now my in-laws have always been added to the agenda. An excuse to whip out all things pastel, treats both savory and sweet, and some good company.

This Easter at the in-laws it was a laid back lunch out in the sunshine, which already was a blessing in itself. It was a weekend of relaxing outside of the city. I had needed some family time. And as you know if you’ve been following my blog for some time, this spot if a paradise in itself. With some beer from the region and epic grub, it was a hearty weekend even topped with a game of Monopoly.

On the gloomiest day in the world this house would still be precious as ever to me, but with the sun rays and colorful camellias, daisies, wisteria and nasturtium, it truly felt like Spring. The only things missing in my book aside from my Colorado family were Jell-O and Brach’s Easter Candy Corn. I hope you all had a magical Easter.


On this special day, we feasted. It was such a foggy cold, and somewhat stressful day, so a night to let loose and feast certainly brought a smile to everyone’s face and ease to everyone’s minds. Of the group we had people of various nationalities, with various diets and allergy restrictions. I am so grateful for our delicious feast that everyone could dive into.

Everyone brought one of their favorite things; I always go with the southern style deviled eggs that my favorite Texan always made. We had a table full of turkey, Valerie’s mashed potatoes, gluten free pumpkin pie, shepherd’s pie, spinach dip, roasted squash and onions and of course, a hearty salad by my honey. It was a feast of champions.

What are you thankful for this year?

This year has been a particular one. A whirlwind of a transition that hasn’t ended yet. It’s almost like nothing feels stable and yet there are things to look forward to, but the stability hasn’t fully hit yet. I can feel it coming. A rhythm. One thing that breaks these types of limbos for me are tradition. I think tradition is such an important thing.

Thanksgiving is a staple in the year for many reasons. Not only is it a heartwarming holiday that brings people together around grub, but it is a marker for things… like setting up your Christmas tree, or the “Go Ahead” to watching Christmas movies. Thanksgiving is the top of the slide right before you hop on and glide through holiday spirit and joy until the new year. Mathilde said it perfectly when we were going around the room each expressing what we were thankful for this year, and she reflected on how nice it is to just stop and really think about that subject, and to take time to communicate it.

Life has gotten a bit ahead of me. I always need a little reality check to realize what a lucky lady I am to have had an incredible education, to be starting a career that I love and living in a beautiful city with a fantastic fella with whom I am so in love. I have a healthy family and will soon have a beautiful baby nephew. I have a cozy home full of love and friends who care about me. I am grateful for all of the people who have stepped into my life this year, and for those whose friendships have a place deep in my heart – who are family to me – whether it’s in this adoptive city of mine or across various bodies of water.

Gobble gobble.


My summer was slightly earlier than the “normal” French summer. Louis and I went to Hawaii during our trip to Colorado in early June. It was magic. I hadn’t been since I was younger, and never realized really how much I appreciate the ocean. Growing up in the mountains turquoise endless waters aren’t really our only idea of beauty and relaxation… and honestly I had forgotten how magical it is to be at a beach.

This beach that we discovered is called Sandy Beach, around the way from Koko Crator. It was calm on the sandy side, but with rigorous humongous waves crashing before our eyes. I guess I’d say that it was a more rugged patch to swim in, but that was intimidatingly refreshing. It was ironically a more secluded beach, even being just off a road that goes all the way around Oahu.

I still dream of wandering that island some more.


Thanksgiving is such a lovely holiday. It’s always a feast. Celebration of community. Celebration of love and being able to recognize and share what we are thankful for …..everything and anything. The gathering of loved ones around delicious grub, what is better?

I have so many fond memories of huge meals with  siblings +1’s, extended family & friends, running to neighbors houses for missing ingredients and sharing of recipes, dressing up as pilgrims and indians at school as children (or at least going through those photos every year) and of course preparing to eat a large quantity of mashed potatoes, casserole and pumpkin pie. It’s just such a staple in the American year, and I am so happy to share it with people from all over the world here in Parisland.

This Thanksgiving I had some of my favorite people over for dinner, and we chatted and laughed and cheered and enjoyed oh so much food.

I was proud to finally make my mom’s garlic mashed potato recipe with delicious gravy. I’m pretty sure Thanksgiving can’t exist without mashed potatoes and deviled eggs. SIDENOTE: we did do a chicken Thanksgiving as I’m not a HUGE turkey fan…. The chicken was delicious though, and the sides made it  just as authentic as a Turkey Thanksgiving.

What did you have for your Thanksgiving?

After our feast we had some fun with these photobooth accessories that were sent to Olivia. Aren’t they just great?

Gosh, I’m thankful to have such caring and passionate people in my life. People who are so open minded and have such ambition. A partner whose heart is so big and who is just so lovable and is the honey in my cup of tea. I’m thankful to live in such a beautiful city and have the opportunity to absorb the knowledge that I do. I’m thankful for my family across the pond who are constantly on my mind and who are nothing short of supportive. The connections between people constantly warm my heart. Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday to bring all of these thoughts to the surface and share them with a group of loved ones.