So, Brussels. A city I’ve always had my eyes on. I had some weird interest in Belgium as a teenager. Maybe something about smaller cities or Flemmish men, uh hem…. But really. Even after meeting Louis we had one shared interest if we had to leave Paris: go to Brussels. Why, you ask? I don’t really know. Good beer, a smaller more spread out, less pretentious city. I find that it has a more simple charm I can’t quite put my finger on. Maybe it’s the pastel couple story buildings, the residential pockets, or the good beer everywhere. OH, and the fact that there is flea market every single day. Looking at these pictures I’m already so anxious to go back and discover more about the city and more about Belgian beer culture.

Anne and I made it out there for one weekend, I just ended up liking it even more. A short train ride from Paris, we went from city center to city center, and were immediately ready for fries and beer. Thanks to many recommendations from various travel bugs, we kicked off our 2 day trip with at a fairytale café situated in the Ixelles neighborhood. Roaming the streets seemed so calm compared to Paris, with the hills and wider sidewalks with long stretches of beautiful doors before pockets of cute shops or cafés. The flea market and vintage shops were obviously up on our list, so under the blazing Spring sun we headed to the city center where I succeeded in buying too many random trinkets. Needless to say had we come by car I would have gone bonkers at the flea market. We made our way to reco for lunch, , which was just amazing with the local Brasserie de la Senne on tap (Don’t forget, you pay for water in Belgium!).

Seriously, this was the longest but one of the greatest days of all time in my eyes. We were staying at the Pantone Hotel – which by the way was a great deal and location – so we relaxed a bit before hitting up the renowned Delirium Bar. It was super crowded and pub-like, as suspected for the biggest beer bar ever on a Saturday night, but a must do. I recommend the tap bar, give draft a try before opening some bottles. Marissa and her Brussels-encyclopedia-of-a-boyfriend recommended what ended up being my favorite place in Brussels (aside from the flea market): Monk. A spaghetti bar in the back of the place with an epic beer list? Yes please. So simple and so spot on. Our dishes were paired with a bottle of the delicious Avec Les Bons Voeux.

Our second and last day started with in another suburb. The trams were so adorable, and often the old-fashioned cars, just one more thing I really enjoyed about this city, gah. We made our way to the Wiels Contemporary Art Centre (the industrial and stunning space is actually a former 1930s brewery) to check out their current exhibitions — one actually involved a moving-slowly-with-grace-quartet. It was quite impressive. Anne had knew the folks behind an awesome place called Living Room on the other side of town, so we trammed and trekked to another suburb out East. The Living Room, though. Holy moly. Located near the Parc Cinquantenaire, it’s a tasteful design and furniture store with , teas a healthy and colorful lunch menu. The cherry on top, turns out we were right by the reputable . I still don’t understand some of the sauces.

The end of our trip was spent at Beer Mania, a beer shop I had been eyeing, amongst the millions there probably are in that city. The guy at the shop was just the best, and told us the story about the Westvleteren beers. I was a happy girl. To rub it in, read more about how epic that beer is.

A La Mort Subite // Brasserie and Kriek Haven
Beer Mania // Beer shop
Brasserie Cantillon // Gueuze Brewery
Delirium Café // Nighttime beer spot
La Mercerie // Salon de thé
Gaudron // Eatery
Les Brassins // Belgian Restaurant
// Eatery + Design and Furniture shop
Maison Dandoy // Sweetshop and Waffle Haven
Monk Bar // Restaurant, spaghetti bar + cocktails
Nüetingenough // Belgian Beer-Infused Restaurant
Wiels Contemporary Art Centre // Museum



Post a comment
  1. August 4, 2015

    Brilliant post Meg! Will be using your tips when I next go now ;) xxx

    • Meg #
      August 4, 2015

      Your reco for Monk and Gaudron were SPOT ON… xx

  2. August 4, 2015

    Ugh I just love your photos so much! I love the warmth and cozy feeling about them and the fact that they look vintage :)
    This post makes me really want to go back to Brussels, I went when I was 17 and didn’t truly appreciate it…
    btw that photo of Anne is gorgeous!

    • Meg #
      August 4, 2015

      Aw, thanks sugar! Yeah, I’m already looking forward to going back!! Eep!!

    • Meg #
      October 17, 2015

      Thank you doll! You’ve gotta go it’s AMAZING.

  3. August 14, 2015

    Tes photos sont si jolies! :) Ça donne envie d’aller visiter la Belgique. Merci pour les adresses également :)

    Bonne journée !

  4. September 20, 2015

    Glad you liked our city! Hope you visit us again really soon and if you do, it would be great to meet you or give you some tips. I left Paris and then London to come to Brussels and like you said, it’s a less pretentious but equally beautiful and interesting city to live in.



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