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I do love the coffee scene in Paris that has popped up over the past few years, however I think I’ll always have a spot in my heart for the art deco classics of the city.

I always loved the lights of Le Select and it’s neighbor La Coupole. The bright pastel lights and perfectly retro font always caught my eye, so with mom we popped by for an espresso & café crème en terrasse on our way over to the Luxembourg Gardens.

Le Select
99 Boulevard du Montparnasse, 75006
Métro: Vavin (4)


Café de Flore is one of Paris’s staple Parisian cafés. That’s a mouthful, but it’s true. Café de Flore has marked the streets of Saint Germain with it’s art deco wonders, notable passerbys and their extremely expensive expresso. Despite its regulars of l’époque,  Café de Flore has maintained a popularity contest with the also renowned  Les Deux Magots that is only a few steps over. Café de Flore’s employees are the type of waiters that are featured in old Disney movies and in vintage games or cartoons: the older Parisians with white and black suits and the tray basically glued to their hand. This does not mean they are friendly, but rather snobby in the “still awesomely Parisian” kind of way. If you’re looking for a spot with speedy service where you can sit for a while, this may not be your pick on a weekend. However, it’s worth the over priced expresso and cake served on a beautiful little platter with branded porcelain. Perfect for a session of people watching on their beautifully art deco terrace, or a little catch up with a friend.

Café de Flore
172 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75006
Métro: Saint Germain des Prés (4)


I had an interesting conversation with a friend today. I was thinking about how I have always lived in a part of the world with seasons. I’m not sure how I would handle living in a place with a steady climate. I love that the seasons bring a change in how we bundle, what we do to relax and how we live.

In the Summer we are outside, soaking up the sun and our eyes are always squinting just a little bit more. The days are longer and work is sometimes put on the back burner. In the winter, however, our days are short and sometimes filled with fog, rain, or even better, snow. We are weaker in a sense that we can get sick from not properly bundling up. We make sure to eat with the season to keep our bodies as warm as can be. The extra layers pile on the back of chairs and doors to prepare for facing the cold air. We may take more time to relax and be at home (I certainly do in the winter). Aside from these two extremes, there are Spring and Fall that help us transition between the extremes. Each season seemed to last forever in my mind as a kid. Seasons remain markers of time, but boy are they shifting from one to another vite.

Despite what season we are in, we can always look forward to a new one in the near future. To be honest I’ve often got another one on my mind… I don’t daydream about it with anticipation or anything, I just think about it. Today as I strolled through the Marais and Ile Saint Louis through the crisp winter air, I couldn’t help but remember the same stroll I took last summer.



When my aunt was in town for a few days, I had to get my mother-in-law’s recommendation on a typical (but beautiful) Parisian Brasserie on Rive Gauche for lunch…so she suggested Brasserie Lipp. Located across from the iconic Café de Flore, this bustling Parisian hotspot was a wonderful discovery in my eyes.

The art deco interior left sparkles in my eyes, and the grub was honestly so delicious. The menu took some time to navigate, but I finally went with the plate of the day, sea bass on a bed of steamed leeks. It was sublime, and perfect with a glass of white wine. They offer some of the most classic French dishes to their aimable clientele; Andouillette, Pieds de Porc (yes, pig feet… a true delicacy according to Louis), Steak Tartare and various fishes depending on the season. If you enjoy salads as a main dish, I would not suggest this restaurant as it says in bold at the top of the menu in perfect English: “NO SALADS FOR MAIN DISH”. Ouch.

Sometimes these borderline cliché brasseries really do the trick with friends or family in town. The small square tables with white tablecloths and mega Parisian waiters dressed in black and white really made my day. The art deco interior has so much charm, and makes you feel like you’re in one of those 1960’s French movies that you had to watch in French class in high school.

Brasserie Lipp
151 boulevard Saint Germain, 75006
Tél: (Reservations recommended)
Métro: Saint Germain des Prés (4) / Mabillon (10)



When a good friend is in town a must is making the perfect list of places to go.

While Rachel was in town this past summer we squeezed in almost all of my favorite Parisian spots. Colorova for brunch was pretty high on that list, and I was so excited that we were able to brunch here one summer morning with Valerie.

Colorova is so relaxing and has so much personality. The food is not only delicious, but preciously prepared. It is always a pleasure to pop in for even just a cuppa tea. I highly recommend this place for brunch.


47 rue de l’Abbé Grégoire
Métro: Saint Placide (4), Sèvres-Babylone (10,12)

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