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It’s been far too long since I’ve done my Sunday reads and link shares. Here we go, one way late. In honor of Paris Beer Week this past week, a little nostalgic photo of a random 6-pack from a local liquor store in Colorado with a couple of my favorites.

I’ve been stepping up my homebrew game. Follow more with

In case you haven’t already seen it: Anne collaborated to create this epic map of Small Shops in Paris.

Can we just talk about cherry blossoms for a minute? via Ambitieuse.

Had the pleasure of viewing the Parson’s Paris senior collections. Incredibly talented students. Check out what was up .

Crazy roads across the globe. via Mashable.

Food for thought. The eternal nature of storytelling. via Fast Company.

So jealous of my buddy Rachel’s most recent off roading trip in Moab.

While dreaming of American landscapes, I finally got around to putting up my little post about 7 Hours in Dallas with my favorite Texan.

Inspiring ways to take mozzarella sticks to the next level. via Buzzfeed.

Haleigh’s Marseille post has got me wanting to head down South. via Making Magique.

Funny, as I sit and compile this post, I realize that this time last year I was in the exact same spot.


Oldie but a goodie. Fondation seems to be a place where friends meet. That local spot where people know they can go and be cozy and have a delicious flat white while strolling in the Marais. While it’s not usually on my coffee shop stop ins due to location, we made it out one morning for a special lady‘s birthday. I took a few pictures that morning, and the more I look at them, the more I think they’re worthy of sharing, as it was indeed the perfect little pre-work get together (psssst Fondation is one of those open at 8am places, which is curiously not as easy as you would think in Paris!)

Fondation Café
16 Rue Dupetit-Thouars, 75003
Open everyday, weekdays from 8am


I know, another post from the countryside, but I can never really resist, I love sharing this beautiful place.

Can I take a quick detour to talk about life as a workin’ girl real quick? This 4 day weekend in particular, I really needed a little getaway to rebuild my sanity. It’s hard to disconnect with work sometimes. In Paris the days can feel long when the sun isn’t shining and it seems like sometimes days consist of waking up, going to work, leaving work, going home, whipping up something to eat, and then going to bed. Just to start all over again. It’s probably not a healthy cycle, but it’s so easy to get caught up in it when work is busy and the days fly by… one minute it’s Tuesday afternoon and the next it’s Friday EOD. It find it increasingly important to know when to say, “no, this can wait until tomorrow”, wouldn’t you say? There will always be something to do or to advance on within a project. I’ve decided that I need to stop and smell the roses, cos I certainly don’t want to be that person that can never do anything fun because of work. Do you have that fear of your career taking over a little bit too much? Work is a lame excuse for not making it to fun times or to not spend enough time with dear ones, or cancel on people unexpectedly (of course sometimes it happens and you can’t do anything about it), even when working for a beautifully creative and notorious luxury house. I think these coming months for me are going to be about adapting my productivity within my project scopes and daily missions, controlling my reactions and recreating balance in the case of stressful times. Thank goodness the people I work with are snazzy souls. But it’s time to take it easy and just ride the wave, sweet Jesus, I’m only 25… *giggle*

That said, this long weekend was pure happiness: filled with sunshine and for the occasion of a double birthday celebration. The camellias were in bloom and we had the barbecue lit for every meal, which is just the best. When in the countryside, I sleep like a baby. The nights are darker and the stars are brighter. There’s a whole different level of quietness. It’s a place to disconnect and have time to relax and just think about all things lovely and spend time with my in-laws. I look forward to spending many many summer weekends here now that’s we got la bagnole.


When flying through Dallas home for the holidays last year, I knew I had to make a pit stop in Dallas to see my doll and favorite Texan, Annie, with whom I went to Uni in Paris. Depsite the after a snow storm hit Denver that previous evening, I was perky as can be and so stoked to finally go outside of the DFW airport walls.

Annie was one of my main partners in crime in Paris, the girl is passionate about good food with quality ingredients and homegirl knows her history. It was damn exceptional to finally get to her hood and see her fav’ spots. Our day was a quick one: around 9am to 4pm when had to be back at the airport. We kicked off the morning right: with coffee and breakfast tacos in the Deep Ellum neighborhood. Super wide streets bordered by brick buildings and precious storefronts and colorful street art… damn, in my eyes Dallas is incredibly charming! Downtown we made a quick pit stop so I could buy some cowboy boots (when in Rome, right?) before heading up for pie and a stroll in the Bishop Arts District. I was rather intrigued by the deserted areas with bail bond shops and supersized billboards and Texan flags blowing in the wind… it was the perfect speedy tour of Dallas. The southern draw truly brought a smile to my face. Of course, the trip couldn’t wound off better, as we headed to chill a bit at one of Annie’s favorite places, the Katy Trail Icehouse in Uptown. This magical venue is an outdoor beer garden with fried jalepeños. Deep Ellum Brewery’s IPA and chatted away until I had to head back to the airport to get my bum back to frogland. Le sigh, next time for more than just a layover, Dirty D.

All Good Café – Deep Ellum – Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner Magic
Emporium Pies – Bishop Arts District – Pie Stop
Katy Trail Icehouse – Uptown – Beer Garden Hangout/Lunch/Dinner/Late night