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Every summer since 2009, bike lover Parisians get together dressed up as if it was really la belle époque and go for a ride from a Paris destination to the Bois de Vincennes (humongo picnic destination on the long grass where you feel far far away from a city). It’s just spot on. Red lipstick, curls, long skirts and brogues, flat-top hats, mustaches and suspenders… these Parisians know what they’re doing.

This year, I was so thrilled to be in town for the picnic, as I always had LLB’s coverage of the event in mind. The summer heat has finally arrived, so heading down to south eastern Paris was the perfect excuse to soak up sun sun with some lovelies. It was absolutely adorable to see everyone all dressed up, with or without their vélos. I will admit that I’ve been really good about biking everywhere, so I was so pumped to actually be a part of the ride from République to Bois de Vincennes… but after extensive biking in the canicule Friday and Saturday, my legs simply couldn’t take it to literally go to the polar opposite end of my little Asniérois nest. Oopsie daisy. Perhaps next year, with a groovy basket and ensemble and baguettes all over the place.

Magical company of Lauren, Ylenia and Flo, Lali, Rachelle, Gemma, Emily and Sophie.

Ride Béret Baguette on their .


Only a whopping 5 minute walk from where I live is this magical place, the Jardin des Serres d’Auteuil.

If you are a Parisian and know how crowded all the major parks get on a hot day with a cloudless sky, you can imagine how nice it is to have one that is never THAT crowded right next to your apartment. A true luxury if you ask me. There’s always space, it’s calm and a stress-free zone. Plus, there are greenhouses you can take a stroll through if you dare.

I will admit that rain or shine I love this place, for a jog, for a picnic, for a stroll… it’s just fantastic and a staple in my little Parisian life.


When I first moved to Paris in 2008, the 19th seemed so far away. Over the years my vision of Paris has become smaller, and now 30 minutes by bike brings me to the city center, and a 30 minute metro ride can very well be to the other side of Rive Droit.

I have a vivid memory of being at Buttes Chaumont for Nuit Blanche a few years ago. There were lamps placed every few meters across one of their fields, and as the sun set the park lit up with Pixar-like lights. There was a panel with messages flashing, and many other marvelous installations.

It’s the ideal park for a picnic. Despite the hills, if you find a good spot on a slight incline, you’ll be set for hours. The park is filled with youth and laughter, with runners, families, music and ice cream. Climb around the back of the hills up to the path that leads to the tower where you have a panoramic view of the city, with the silhouette of Sacré Coeur and Montmartre in the distance. You’ll feel so high up. From that particular spot things seem so far away and spaced out so awkwardly. There was smog, but with the sunsetting it made for shadowed like buildings contrasting the pastel skies. It was quite nice.

If you’re just visiting Paris for a few days this spot may seem pretty far out, but make the treck, it’s a different kind of charming, not like the other parks in the heart of the city.


One summer weeknight, Sasha hosted a little apéro in her precious courtyard garden.

In Paris’s summer heat, evenings outdoors with friends are the best ways to escape. Some homemade snacks and a bottle of rosé and you’re set.

This summer night was one of those evenings where the sun set surprisingly late and you didn’t see the time take flight, and was filled with conversations with familiar faces: Valerie, Lindsey, Jessie, Kristen, KasiaMelissaMary and their beaux.

I feel like having a courtyard garden is almost like having a balcony, it’s so exciting when you know someone that has one.



This weekend I headed over to the border Paris’s eastern forest, the Bois de Vincennes, for a special birthday celebration picnic for Lalaina. The meeting spot was right by the Lac Daumesnil, and the sun was shining bright with a little breeze. We parked beneath the trees in the most perfect picnic spot.

Aside from being one of the most adorable people I’ve ever met, Lali is also a big yelper and foodie gal here in Paris. She’s got a knack for all things adorable, which you will be able to tell by the photos in the below. Decorations, quilts, cakes, sandwich flags, you name it. This was the girliest most adorable picnic at that park that day.

It was lovely to see some familiar faces, and also to make acquaintance with some new ones…. Not to mention trying her Uncle’s Madagascan samosas, HOLY MOLY were those delicious. Lemonade is the icing on top of any picnic.

Happy Birthday, Lali! Cheers to you!

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