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To put it quite simply, summer hasn’t really started yet in Paris. It’s been a huge bummer, and honestly wearing a cashmere sweater in June is sort of depressing. I guess we’ll just have to be grateful for the couple of sun-filled weekends that we had in May, for now.

To wrap up the summer season, Louis and I were so excited to bring some friends to the house in the countryside. It’s the kind of place that is certainly worth sharing- and besides, who doesn’t want a weekend getaway outside of the stress of the week and Paris? (I mean, we all adore Paris, but let’s be honest, getting to somewhere calmer for the weekend is fabulous and anyone who tells you differently is lying).

So, Haleigh, Marissa, Ylenia and their beaus came down for a weekend amongst the flowers. It was a weekend to enjoy some nature, and to make some time to cook delicious things with garden finds, to pair with our perfect BBQ goodies.

Sharing such a beautiful place and a place we love so much with friends really made my heart all fuzzy. It’s kind of like sharing a little part of yourself in many ways, a place where so many memories are made and where more will continue to be made with dear friends.

Oh, a few pictures from a place that makes me very happy.

I’ve lost track of time this week, so no precise thoughts to share on here today… Getting home after work is a battle as it seems like the cat’s only current interest is to eat my plants. I’m contemplating a long term solution, as I lay around with the windows open to get the chilly summer breeze that only midnight can allow in the canicule. But boy, is it a luxury to have a place to go on the weekends where you can actually see the stars. Jefferson is really warming up to the place.


I know, another post from the countryside, but I can never really resist, I love sharing this beautiful place.

Can I take a quick detour to talk about life as a workin’ girl real quick? This 4 day weekend in particular, I really needed a little getaway to rebuild my sanity. It’s hard to disconnect with work sometimes. In Paris the days can feel long when the sun isn’t shining and it seems like sometimes days consist of waking up, going to work, leaving work, going home, whipping up something to eat, and then going to bed. Just to start all over again. It’s probably not a healthy cycle, but it’s so easy to get caught up in it when work is busy and the days fly by… one minute it’s Tuesday afternoon and the next it’s Friday EOD. It find it increasingly important to know when to say, “no, this can wait until tomorrow”, wouldn’t you say? There will always be something to do or to advance on within a project. I’ve decided that I need to stop and smell the roses, cos I certainly don’t want to be that person that can never do anything fun because of work. Do you have that fear of your career taking over a little bit too much? Work is a lame excuse for not making it to fun times or to not spend enough time with dear ones, or cancel on people unexpectedly (of course sometimes it happens and you can’t do anything about it), even when working for a beautifully creative and notorious luxury house. I think these coming months for me are going to be about adapting my productivity within my project scopes and daily missions, controlling my reactions and recreating balance in the case of stressful times. Thank goodness the people I work with are snazzy souls. But it’s time to take it easy and just ride the wave, sweet Jesus, I’m only 25… *giggle*

That said, this long weekend was pure happiness: filled with sunshine and for the occasion of a double birthday celebration. The camellias were in bloom and we had the barbecue lit for every meal, which is just the best. When in the countryside, I sleep like a baby. The nights are darker and the stars are brighter. There’s a whole different level of quietness. It’s a place to disconnect and have time to relax and just think about all things lovely and spend time with my in-laws. I look forward to spending many many summer weekends here now that’s we got la bagnole.

Now that the freakishly late ending of summer has passed for good, we’ve quickly moved on to the chills. For once it feels like there was actually an autumn before moving to the super cold and rainy winter months, no? Chilly weather I just love, but man, the rain sometimes just doesn’t cut it for me. On a sidenote, it’s funny, because as a kid, winter started in October basically. I feel like in Paris the true cold kicks in well after the start of the new year. As I bundle up now before heading out, I think about the last sunny weekend in the countryside with some of Louis’s closest pals, and their lovely ladies who have become friends. I just love coming here, and sharing my in-law’s beautiful home and art de vivre. I sure am anxious for the next warm seasons to bring my girlfriends here to soak up the sun and eat from the garden. For now I’ve got to enjoy the winter, probably my favorite season as a Colorado girl. Too bad the Parisian wet winter just doesn’t compare to the blue skies and powdered snow of the Rockies…. Paris has another cozy charming winter to offer.

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