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I think about Halloween as a kid in Colorado, and how I would plan my costume over the summer. My mom would make the most fabulous costumes… it was the staple of autumn. Running through the cornmazes, wandering streets with layers underneath our costumes, warming up Tootsie Rolls in my hands because the Colorado snow had frozen them in my pillowcase and I wanted oh so badly to gobble one up, drinking hot cider as the snow sometimes fell lightly against the moonlit sky… these memories are all so vibrant in my head.

Our house would be decked out head to toe with pumpkin lights on strings and fake spider webs and stashes of candy on the top shelf of the pantry. Paper plates always in orange and black and matching pumpkin napkins. It almost seems like it was another life.

Here in France, Halloween is not exactly the same Hallmark traditional holiday, but it is so refreshing every year to get a little care package from my maman to bring back all of the autumn and spooky memories.

She has the best taste in little trinkets and gifts. Nothing like a pinch of American Halloween in my little Parisian apartment. Let’s just say Louis loves candy corn now. There’s no such thing as a Halloween without candy corn, right? I hope your Halloween is filled with spooks and treats.

Don’t forget to watch Hocus Pocus.


Despite the cold, when  you look up at the sky you can’t tell it’s winter. But this chill gets down to your bones, and you’ve got to stay cozy to avoid a bad cold!

Did you know there is some improv in Paris? I love improv and can’t wait to go to this.

Craving a milkshake currently…

This post and also this girl make me want to go to Melbourne.

Fabulously decorated cakes in cups for the Halloween season.

Gosh, I wanna make

One of each, please.

This time last year I was strolling through the Luxembourg Gardens.

Things like this make me miss Colorado oh so much.

How was your weekend?

Being a regular

I just love Chettinadu so much. Why go to any other place when I know I’ll be just so happy going here?


Jamón in the mail

This is a story of a surprise package in the mail… with something delicious inside.

So when I was in Amsterdam visiting a close friend, I had the opportunity to meet her honey and his crew that were all Catalan. On this trip I discovered Spanish food. I have never been to Spain (YET), but this was certainly the closest I’ve felt!

I fell in love with the jamón. It is just so delicious and finely cut. So distinct. Just damn tasteful.

A few weeks after I had received a small white package in the mail with no return address, and it was the cutest surprise of all time….. JAMON IN THE MAIL FROM BARCELONA. IT WASN’T A DREAM.

Could my pals be any sweeter? I’m spoiled!

Have you ever received something crazily adorable in the mail?


I am so excited about the autumn season. Not sure why but everything is a pinch more cozy.

Olivia has gotten me into coconut oil.

Drooling over all of

Gold loafers? Yes, please.

One of my readers told me about . Now I have to go back!

The pigeon Burger King. I love the clever person who thought of this.


So many pretty cookies.

Did you see my post on Sugar Daze for HiP Paris?

I hope your weekend was swell!

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