Posts from the PARIS Category

One of those kind of days where you don’t plan much and you end up roaming around aimlessly listening to good podcasts, don’t you love those kinds of days? Today my 13,000 steps or so included strolling in and around the 18th, 9th, 10th and the 17th arrondissements with a couple of excessive caffeine stops. Long strolls like these make me realize how much I love living in Paris cos you could easily walk across the entire thing on a beautiful day.

In case you need a few podcast episodes for your spontaneous stroll:
How I Built This – Zumba: Beto Perez & Alberto Perlman
Fresh Air – La La Land’s Direction Damien Chazelle
Pardon My French – Living with Zero Waste

Every summer since 2009, bike lover Parisians get together dressed up as if it was really la belle époque and go for a ride from a Paris destination to the Bois de Vincennes (humongo picnic destination on the long grass where you feel far far away from a city). It’s just spot on. Red lipstick, curls, long skirts and brogues, flat-top hats, mustaches and suspenders… these Parisians know what they’re doing.

This year, I was so thrilled to be in town for the picnic, as I always had LLB’s coverage of the event in mind. The summer heat has finally arrived, so heading down to south eastern Paris was the perfect excuse to soak up sun sun with some lovelies. It was absolutely adorable to see everyone all dressed up, with or without their vélos. I will admit that I’ve been really good about biking everywhere, so I was so pumped to actually be a part of the ride from République to Bois de Vincennes… but after extensive biking in the canicule Friday and Saturday, my legs simply couldn’t take it to literally go to the polar opposite end of my little Asniérois nest. Oopsie daisy. Perhaps next year, with a groovy basket and ensemble and baguettes all over the place.

Magical company of Lauren, Ylenia and Flo, Lali, Rachelle, Gemma, Emily and Sophie.

Ride Béret Baguette on their .


Cozy coffee spots are all the hype in Paris at the moment. And although at times it can feel a bit less Parisian that one would hope, it’s shaping what Paris is becoming in many ways.

I remember what it was like when we ONLY had La Caféotèque… it’s so nice to have some early morning options for a yummy espresso or damn good flat white. Cream is up in the 20th, the perfect stroll from Belleville – gosh I love that neighborhood.

Cream has bright wood and a comptoir at the back. Stool seating, bench seating… there is quite a bit of space. It’s very bright, even on a gloomy day. The letters C-R-E-A-M make an arc across the symmetrical entrance from the street. It really is quite cute, in my eyes. The only thing missing is a chai tea latte for those that don’t drink coffee (I popped by with my Paris partner in crime, Anne, who went with a hot cocoa). If you’re around for lunchtime they’ve got wraps.

50 Rue de Belleville, 75020
Open everyday


Behind Montmartre is the home to a little secret… Paris’s German beer garden. Inspired by German everything, Kiez has a selection of German beers on tap, amongst other boissons, German snacks and heaps of German déco. Bref, it’s Bavarian madness and a great spot for a beer or five. This is making me excited for my weekend in Munich!

Lovelies Lauren Lou and Anne joined me to check out the place, and I immediately fell in love: laid back atmosphere with big tables and adorable knick-knacks, delicious Deutsche lagers, an outdoor patio perfect for the warm months …and of course, pretzels.

Kiez Biergarten Parisien
24 Rue Vauvenargues, 75018 Paris
Métro: Guy Môquet


A couple of memories from a stroll with mom on the left bank, when the sun was shining.


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