Posts from the UNCATEGORIZED Category

Paris in the summertime really is charming, and how can you not like the fête forraine at the Tuileries gardens. Really. Although I’m that person who complains when it’s too hot, I have to confess that my comments must be ignored because the Parisian summer bliss only lasts for a short while, so we’ve got to enjoy it while we can.

For those of you that don’t know, Paris in August (and all of France aside from bumpin’ seaside towns for that matter), is indeed something to experience. Heaps of restaurants and shops close up for the summer and half of the city’s population embarks on adventures that involve ocean breezes and endless bottles of rosé far from Paname. Basically, it’s empty. Suddenly at rush hour there’s plenty of space in the train, half of your office is gone and your favorite parks are weirdly calm when you set up for your rosé apéro with friends after work. The days are long and terraces are packed with the only people that are left in the city.

It’s a strange time of year because you’re so happy that places are less crowded but then you try to go to those cafés or little restaurants you really like and never have time to go to and when you arrive you immediately see the little sign on the closed door with beautiful handwriting that reads Fermature annuelle, retour le 28 août ! Le sigh. I’ve even see a newly opened restaurant still take it’s August off for annual leave. It’s another world here.

On the bright side, the bords de Seine are becoming increasingly rad (did you see this?), and rooftop bars are now a thing. Cheers to summertime.

This little orange rose mom wanted to pick so bad when we were exploring the botanical gardens in Rouen last summer. May all you mothers out there, and the mothers around you, be spoiled rotten. Let’s be honest, every day should be Mother’s Day, but having a day where the greeting card industry pushes us to go that extra mile for mom is not too shabby.

Been a busy bee lately, when it rains it pours. But despite losing track of time and endless to do’s, there seems to always be time for a coffee.

I just finished season 1 of #Girlboss on Netflix. Still thinking about all the rad bell bottoms and platform boots, one of those looks I’d really like to pull off, but just would not work with the cobblestone covered Paris.

Anything else worth binging lately?

2016 was a bit off. Trying to figure out which paths to take for 2017, notably to get back to writing on here more often. So, in honor of Sunday and random links, here are this week’s random thoughts.

25 women who shaped the course of history.

Sunday song vibes by .

I know the Women’s March is over, but these posters are beautiful.

Did you know Lindsey Tramuta of Lost In Cheeseland is coming out with a book? It’s called The New Paris.

Random, but remember that baby’s face in the sunshine of Teletubbies?!

Been to Nantes? Well, with some gal pals and fell hard for it’s charm. More to come on that later.

Feeling underwhelmed by Star Wars Rogue One btw.

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