Been a busy bee lately, when it rains it pours. But despite losing track of time and endless to do’s, there seems to always be time for a coffee.

I just finished season 1 of #Girlboss on Netflix. Still thinking about all the rad bell bottoms and platform boots, one of those looks I’d really like to pull off, but just would not work with the cobblestone covered Paris.

Anything else worth binging lately?

Colorado is, in my eyes, one of the most beautiful places on the planet. The richness of the views in almost any direction, or climate, are breathtaking. Being home for the holidays was the perfect excuse to take it all in, and let my mind reminisce the simple times. It’s a funny feeling, being somewhere so familiar with your lover for whom, despite being several times, it will always be so new. Something as simple as driving unexpectedly down a certain street or passing a random food chain can ignite crazy memories of teenage shenanigans. I often think about my pre-teen and teenage life in the Rockies, and about all the things I did and experienced, and how its all shaped me to be the woman I am today. I also wonder sometimes what my life would be like had I never left for a year abroad in France when I was 16. Not that I have any regrets at all whatsoever, but sometimes I wonder what kind of woman I would have become.

2016 was a bit off. Trying to figure out which paths to take for 2017, notably to get back to writing on here more often. So, in honor of Sunday and random links, here are this week’s random thoughts.

25 women who shaped the course of history.

Sunday song vibes by .

I know the Women’s March is over, but these posters are beautiful.

Did you know Lindsey Tramuta of Lost In Cheeseland is coming out with a book? It’s called The New Paris.

Random, but remember that baby’s face in the sunshine of Teletubbies?!

Been to Nantes? Well, with some gal pals and fell hard for it’s charm. More to come on that later.

Feeling underwhelmed by Star Wars Rogue One btw.

One of those kind of days where you don’t plan much and you end up roaming around aimlessly listening to good podcasts, don’t you love those kinds of days? Today my 13,000 steps or so included strolling in and around the 18th, 9th, 10th and the 17th arrondissements with a couple of excessive caffeine stops. Long strolls like these make me realize how much I love living in Paris cos you could easily walk across the entire thing on a beautiful day.

In case you need a few podcast episodes for your spontaneous stroll:
How I Built This – Zumba: Beto Perez & Alberto Perlman
Fresh Air – La La Land’s Direction Damien Chazelle
Pardon My French – Living with Zero Waste