Posts tagged Boulogne-Billancourt

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I am still not over this weather. Somewhere inside me I still feel like I may need some more winter chills, or was I took busy with work and didn’t see the winter season pass us by? As I haven’t seen snow, I’m a bit puzzled.

Regardless, flowers are blooming and Parisian blue skies are bringing out the terrace seating and packed parks. As the days get longer I get mad at myself that I am anxious to wear my sunglasses a lot, and wander without a scarf and hat in my bag at all times with a big coat and heavy socks. For a girl who always loved the winter chills, perhaps this year I’m prematurely ready for Spring, and I blame this sudden burst of warmth.

One place I like to go for a stroll in the springtime is the Jardin Albert Kahn. It’s a magical little area just on the outskirts of Paris, like the Serres d’Auteuil, which are also magical, a beautiful park with various gardens. If this sun keeps up I’m going to have to go for a stroll there in the near future. Where do you go for a stroll as soon as the weather shapes up?

Jardin Albert Kahn
10-14 Rue du Port, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
Métro: Boulogne – Pont de Saint Cloud (10)