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  • #mariagepourtous
  • Datagif
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  • Print outs


I just couldn’t resist not sharing this after reading about it. The agency Datagif did the design and development for the site Affiches Pour Tous for the demonstration that took place this past Sunday.

On this site, people could download one or many prints of their liking to print out themselves, and place on cardboard as a slogan for their march from Denfert Rochereau to Bastille. As you can see in photographs and videos from the demonstration last Sunday, these graphics branded the demonstration in a way, as hundreds of people marched with these clever, clear and colorful signs.

Great idea, right?

Affiches pour tous from Datagif on Vimeo.

Source: Affiches Pour Tous

1/ Giving me rights will not change yours
2/ I want my sister to have the same rights as me
3/ Yes
4/ Equality for our children too!
5/ Equality without negotiation
6/ We want rice at town hall
7/ Our love is stronger than your hate
8/ Hate is not a family value

For more creative inspiration & some facts on the matter, be sure to check out their dernier inventaire avant le mariage pour tous. I just love the way they present everything. You can purchase the book .