{Photo via ‘s Instagram}

It’s that time of year…. ! When the charming fog covers the streets and the sun sets early in the evening leaving the streets lit by cafés and streetlamps. The picture above was taken by at Canal Saint Martin, which is one of the most charming places to stroll in Paris, I’d say!

Happy Friday!

Making Magique‘s posts on Brooklyn are really making me miss it!

If you haven’t already, check out the Progressive Dinner we had with Jordan.

More excessive but adorable iPhone fun via Bonton Blog.

How to make a great Xmas present without spending money…. enough said!

Need to make my way to this new Parisian secret.

Embroidery by Kanae Entani is making me smile so much today [via Famille Summerbelle]

Craving a Parisian winter like this one.

I’m in the mood to get creative.

Adorable snapshots by Abandon Ship.



  1. Annie Harrison #
    December 2, 2011

    I am honored to have a photo featured in your blog!!! Pick a day and we’ll venture to some of the shops around there that I’m sure you’d love!

  2. Maggie at Eat Boutique #
    December 2, 2011

    Ahh, I miss Paris. Thank goodness I’ll return in February. I need to spend more time on the Canal.

    • Meg #
      December 2, 2011

      Yes! The canal joins such culturally rich neighborhoods!

  3. December 3, 2011

    wish you were in Denver right now. . . I’ve been feeling quite crafty/creative myself and would love to make things with you!

    • Meg #
      December 4, 2011

      Let’s be crafty in March, Allie!

  4. December 4, 2011

    Gorgeous opening photo by Annie Harrison – such beautiful colours. Thanks also for including a link to my winter pics, I’m cravy cold weather – this mild stuff just doesn’t do it for me in December.

    • Meg #
      December 5, 2011

      My pleasure! I definitely agree about this mild stuff…real winter I’m sure is just around the corner!

  5. December 5, 2011

    Amazing photo!

    • Meg #
      December 5, 2011

      Isn’t it?! Such a pretty area, and a wonderful snapshot indeed.

  6. December 6, 2011


    • Meg #
      December 7, 2011


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