…at one of my favorite places in Paris: Beauty Cakes! The only thing that can make a weekday off absolutely perfect is a cupcake. With Olivia!

… dans un de mes endroits préféré à Paris: Beauty Cakes! La seule chose qui peut rendre une journée libre absolument parfaite est un cupcake.

. . . . .

I want to make one of ASAP.

Did you know you can take cupcake classes at Beauty Cakes? Oui oui!

Quite Continental Charm School…. I love the last one.

Drooling over these shoes like it’s my job.

Classic women in .

I’m not a mom, but sure do love this post!

I am also craving some sugar cookies.

A Denverite with a darn good lookin’ recipe index!



  1. March 3, 2012

    Beautiful photos, the cupcakes look delicious and I love the little flowered mugs.

    I’ve been swooning over the flatstack platforms, too! But I’ve been holding out becuase I have a feeling they’re going to be on sale in the near future. Or, at least by summer :)

  2. March 4, 2012

    This beautiful post makes me hungry for Paris! I love the photos!!!!

  3. March 4, 2012

    I’ve added this to my growing list of places to visit :) We’re new to Pairs and I’m excited to check out so many places.

  4. erin #
    March 4, 2012

    I’m glad you follow Smitten Kitchen! It’s one of my favorite food blogs, along with TasteSpotting, foodgawker and spoon fork bacon.

    • Meg #
      March 4, 2012

      So great!

  5. March 6, 2012

    Meg, I swear every time I visit your blog (which is often, by the way!), I get a bit of a craving for sweets. I want a cupcake now! At 11pm!

    • Meg #
      March 6, 2012

      Hahaha! Sweets are so wonderful!

  6. March 6, 2012

    Cupcakes or macarons, pour moi ;)

  7. March 12, 2012

    AH! So beautiful! I love your photos. I’m adding this to my list of places to go when I return to Paris.

    • Meg #
      March 12, 2012

      Yes you must go- it is so cute and the woman that runs it is so sweet!

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