Louis and I’s apartment was featured on Rue Rodier recently. Although we plan to move in the near future, I am so in love with these pictures!

I kind of wish all of these phrases were used regularly.

6 characteristics of truly creative people.

After seeing photos from Carin’s recent trip to Rome, I have decided I’ve got to make it there at some point within the next year.

One of my new favorite places in Paris, up in the 19th. Brunch highly suggested when the sun is out.

I’m already dreaming of Colorado for Christmas… Here’s a look at a perfect Colorado summer.

Discovered Brasserie de la Senne not too long ago. I’m itched to get myself to Brussels in the near future.

Did you see Anne’s epic Skillshare classes? On the menu: Map Making, revamping professional dox/CV & getting to know InDesign.

De quelle planète es-tu on for the same spice but in grid form.

Know of anyone heading to Paris? I’m always keeping my Paris Guide up to date with my favorite spots in the city.

Lately I’ve been wishing there was a good place for donuts in Paris. Le sigh.

This little getaway on Haleigh’s blog in the Loire has got me craving a weekend away

I am all for Les Merveilleux de Fred! Lindsey’s top five pastry spots in Paris on WSJ.

Craving some of these

Ashlae is making me really miss the Rockies and want to get in the kitchen to make these cookies.

Some fun facts about beer.



Post a comment
  1. August 17, 2014

    Thanks for including my WSJ story!

  2. Anna #
    August 27, 2014

    I liked the feature about your apt on Rue Rodier! I’ve been looking for a nail polish color like that but can’t find the right one–what is it?


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