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Kate’s Wine Bar

While home for the holidays, I couldn’t help but pass this little treasure over and over while roaming in Downtown Littleton. Finally one day with my mom and French lover, we popped in for a glass of wine. The precious little awning and beautiful photos greet you as you walk in- with a large print of a black and white photo on the wall (which is also displayed on their website). I just thought it was too precious to pass up. And as we arrived at 4pm- we were right on time for happy hour. With some great wine, little snacks, and a lovely convo with one of the founders of the precious shop- it was the perfect late afternoon pop-in. With wine from all over the world, the founder assured us that they are wines you cannot find easily in Denver Liquor or Wine shops. Varying from French, Italian, Peruvian, Chilean, Australian, American to even more specifically Idaho-an (what would that word be…?) you will definitely find a glass to fit your mood. The shop was named after one of the founder’s mother, Kate- and defintely has a simple but perfect twist to it for a little Wine Stop in the center of the precious Downtown Littleton.

Kate’s Wine Bar
5671 S. Nevada Street, Downtown Littleton

Chettinadu Part II

As most people who know me know… I am addicted to this restaurant. Having discovered it through some professors my Freshman year, I still make a point to go whenever possible. Like I did tonight. And once again, like before, I tend to take pictures of my food. What’s new, eh? This is a must go to in Paris. If you don’t- you’ll never know what a truly perfect samossa tastes like.

15 rue Cail, 75010
Métro: La Chapelle (2) / Gare du Nord (4,5)


Mile High Vienna Stand in West Denver


Ok, so I know I’m sort of biased being that I’m a Chicago native… but sometimes I just can’t pick another type of Hot Dog. New York Style Hot Dogs are good, but they just don’t compare to the poppyseed bun, pickle slice and texture of a good Chicago Dog. There are few places in Denver you can find this wonder, but Mile High Vienna Stand off of Santa Fe and also on 21st street offers one you definitely won’t regret scarfing down. Check out the menu here and let your mouth begin to water. If only they had one of these in Paris….

Mile High Vienna Stand
300 Santa Fe Drive & 1312 21st Street
Tél: / 

Le Flaneur (feat. The XX)

Now that this has circulated the American University of Paris campus over and again and has popped up on my Tweets here and again, I know it’s time to share my friend’s video on here.

If there’s one thing I’ll say about undergrad Luke, it’s that the boy can make Paris more beautiful than it’s ever been seen before. In his video Le Flâneur (Feat. The XX), its beauty is re-restored and breathtaking. This image of Paris is represented with an intense feeling you probably haven’t felt before while viewing pictures of Paris after you’ve already lived here for a while (Watch & see, I’m not kidding. Your jaw will probably drop…).

Oftentimes the beauty of Paris is overseen, especially when you get wrapped up in the fast-paced mazes of sidewalks, oh là là and pastries of a world here.

Luke, this is amazing. To a talented artist who can make Paris more beautiful than ever before. It’s timeless.

Boulder Dushanbe Teahouse


This is just the loveliest of places. And after a wild night in Boulder on New Year’s Eve, you can’t find a better brunch in town.

I was hesitant in choosing my brunch meal due to the fact that everything looked divine, but I settled for the Salmon Benedict, which the waiter had so kindly assured as delicious. Louis took the Mediterranean Salad with a big scoop of hummus. The coffee mugs alone were precious, and their Chai is absolutely a must-to-try. I probably should have tasted like four of their teas, but we had a long drive up to the Stanley Hotel afterwards.

For a Sunday morning, let alone New Year’s Day,  it was nice and calm. I heard through the grapevine I hear it fills up around dinner time.

The beautiful and serene decorations will distract you from your date, so be prepared! For the experience you get, this is definitely worth your buck- making a 2 person brunch a great deal for a bout $40 including loads of coffee/chai and such. If you’re up in gorgeous Boulder, don’t pass this up.

On a side note, I highly suggest the Salmon Benedict, I am now addicted to poached eggs.

You can consult their menu online here.

Dushanbe Tea House
1770 13th Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302

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