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Trois petites choses de vendredi




First off, primary colors are wonderful and totally in with the pastels this summer. I love yellow.

Secondly, *gosh* the Eiffel Tower is so charming. And finally a summer sky all ready for the sunset. Paris, has summer finally arrived?

Thirdly, a nice cold beer on a café terrasse is one of my favorite things to do after a day walking around in the heat with pals. How do you cool down?

Gray Skies

Paris, Skies, Parisian Buildings, De Quelle Planète es-tu?Paris, Skies, Parisian Buildings, De Quelle Planète es-tu?Paris, Skies, Parisian Buildings, De Quelle Planète es-tu?Paris, Skies, Parisian Buildings, De Quelle Planète es-tu?Paris, Skies, Parisian Buildings, De Quelle Planète es-tu?

It hasn’t really felt like summer in Paris yet. The gray skies every other day make it hard to feel like it’s June. Then again, I’ve never spent a summer in Paris, so perhaps this is the usual. Something about the gloom with the Parisian buildings is so gosh darn charming. I hope everyone’s last-week-in-June-week is going swimmingly!

Don’t forget to follow on  for oodles of Paris things and random pretties!

…And also feel free take a gander at my article on Untapped Cities for the Tumult Event with yummies by Omnivore. You’ll be drooling!

Saturday Things v2

Montorgeuil, Saturday, Summer, Balloons, Parisparis, buildings, summer skysugar daze, opening, summer, american cupcakes in paris

I’m hoping for more summery Saturdays soon. This rain has got to stop! Hope your weekend was lovely. Did you enjoy the Saturday sun?

Summer Celebration

Sugar Daze, Paris, American Cupcakes, rue Henri Monnier ParisSugar Daze, Paris, American Cupcakes, rue Henri Monnier ParisSugar Daze, Paris, American Cupcakes, rue Henri Monnier ParisSugar Daze, Paris, American Cupcakes, rue Henri Monnier ParisSugar Daze, Paris, American Cupcakes, rue Henri Monnier ParisSugar Daze, Paris, American Cupcakes, rue Henri Monnier ParisSugar Daze, Paris, American Cupcakes, rue Henri Monnier ParisSugar Daze, Paris, American Cupcakes, rue Henri Monnier ParisSugar Daze, Paris, American Cupcakes, rue Henri Monnier Paris

Yesterday we celebrated the soon-to-be-opening Sugar Daze in Paris’s 9th district. American cupcakes are almost officially present on the streets of this city, and I hope you are all excited as I am. There couldn’t be a better way to celebrate the starting of summer, and we are all so happy for  the magical Cat and her new bake shop.

Grand opening is Saturday June 23, préparez vous pour une nouvelle cupcakerie… la seule qui est américaine à Paris!

Sugar Daze
Address: 20 rue Henri Monnier, 75009
Métro: Pigalle (12,2) / Saint Georges (12)

A Fairytale Town: Colmar, France

Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es Tu, Travel, AlsaceAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuColmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es Tu, TravelColmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es Tu, Travel, AlsaceAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es TuAlsace, Colmar, France, De Quelle Planete Es Tu

One of my dearest friends studied up on fairy tale towns. There just so happened to be one in the Alsace region, that was a direct train ride (3.5 hours via TGV) away…. the town of Colmar.

When you hop off the train you’ll only be about a 5 minute walk from the city center, walking by their Champs de Mars into the most precious town you will have ever seen… not to mention one of the most flowered towns in France. All of the buildings are old and lovely with wooden beams and beautifully colored exteriors and shutters. As it was the springtime, the tables on the terraces were packed in the main square with people all around enjoying cold beverages and snacks. For lunch we stopped by Le Stam on the Place des Dominicains. Here we enjoyed flammeküche, which is one of my favorite things, with munster cheese as it is the local specialty (note: we had already eaten a pretzel as we sort of had to, we were in Alsace!).

After lunch we popped over by the canal, and what is referred to as “La Petite Venise”. This is the part of town where you will be drooling the most: tiny streets with the most brightly colored adorable houses (originally painted for the profession of the man of the house back in the day, a boat driver informed us!). We took a short boat ride (6 euros!) up and down the canal right next to the restaurant La Krutenau, where you can buy your tickets. It’s amazing to see the little houses that back up to the canal, with flowers everywhere and not to mention some true silence. Keep your eyes peeled for the different types of shutters! Back in the day, the heart in the shutter meant that there was a young lady to be married in the house. Cute, nay?

We also stumbled upon the Musée Bartholdi, the sculptor who did the Statue of Liberty… a Colmar local! Then we were craving sweets! We stumbled upon the precious Jadis + Gourmande and had a little dessert and coffee before heading back to the train bound for Paris.

All in all, it made for a wonderful day trip alsacien, and I’m stoked to stay overnight sometime in one of their adorable bed and breakfasts.

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