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Oh so lovely

What a busy week… I hope you have all had time to stay warm and sip delicious teas. What is your favorite these days?

Guess what? Today is the big day… it’s time to announce the giveaway winner!

Drumroll please….

HOORAY, Vanessa! You are the winner! Your tea party will soon be decked out with adorable Lovely Stitch goodness… Félicitations!

I will contact you shortly for your address and contact details. Can’t wait to see what you do with them!

Thanks to everyone who entered and a special thanks to behind all of the lovely at Lovely Stitch.

Wonderful Things No. 3: by Julian Bialowas

I found out about Julian Bialowas through the lovely blog, Fox In The Pine. His work is just too wonderful not to share.

{All photos by Julian Bialowas}

You can check out his photostream here.

And follow him on Twitter .

So wonderful, isn’t it?


How was your Thanksgiving? My gourmandise is still going…

These just look so good.

Gosh, and too.

Did you enter the Lovely Stitch giveaway?

Take a peek at my Thanksgiving here.

I’ve been going buck wild on the search for the perfect enamel pot. Thank goodness for Etsy.

Now that turkey day has passed, this means that we can start to watch Christmas movies. What is your favorite?

Doesn’t this weekend trip to the Loire just look so dreamy?


Thanksgiving is such a lovely holiday. It’s always a feast. Celebration of community. Celebration of love and being able to recognize and share what we are thankful for …..everything and anything. The gathering of loved ones around delicious grub, what is better?

I have so many fond memories of huge meals with  siblings +1’s, extended family & friends, running to neighbors houses for missing ingredients and sharing of recipes, dressing up as pilgrims and indians at school as children (or at least going through those photos every year) and of course preparing to eat a large quantity of mashed potatoes, casserole and pumpkin pie. It’s just such a staple in the American year, and I am so happy to share it with people from all over the world here in Parisland.

This Thanksgiving I had some of my favorite people over for dinner, and we chatted and laughed and cheered and enjoyed oh so much food.

I was proud to finally make my mom’s garlic mashed potato recipe with delicious gravy. I’m pretty sure Thanksgiving can’t exist without mashed potatoes and deviled eggs. SIDENOTE: we did do a chicken Thanksgiving as I’m not a HUGE turkey fan…. The chicken was delicious though, and the sides made it  just as authentic as a Turkey Thanksgiving.

What did you have for your Thanksgiving?

After our feast we had some fun with these photobooth accessories that were sent to Olivia. Aren’t they just great?

Gosh, I’m thankful to have such caring and passionate people in my life. People who are so open minded and have such ambition. A partner whose heart is so big and who is just so lovable and is the honey in my cup of tea. I’m thankful to live in such a beautiful city and have the opportunity to absorb the knowledge that I do. I’m thankful for my family across the pond who are constantly on my mind and who are nothing short of supportive. The connections between people constantly warm my heart. Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday to bring all of these thoughts to the surface and share them with a group of loved ones.

A Lovely Lovely Stitch Giveaway!

I just love little trinkets and things for the home (could you tell?). Bursts of color… this & that… it’s the type of little things that make someone’s home their home, nay? The small details that catch one’s eye. Guess what? I am excited to share something special with you… this is my first ever giveaway on De quelle planète es-tu! Let’s give around of applause to Lovely Stitch!

Kaylee is the seamstress behind the fabulous Etsy shop, Lovely Stitch, that opened earlier this year. She’s a gal that’s always been around sewing as her mother was an excellent seamstress, making elaborate dresses for her dolls when she was a little punkin’ (How cute is that?). She started making her own creations around age 16 and the passion seems to have stuck! She’s a graphic design gal with a creative mind, an eye for kitschy fabric, and mix ‘n matches patterns better than anyone I know. As she puts it, “Unexpected combinations always delight me!”.

Kaylee & I have one main thing in common aside from our hometown and high school- our love for tableware. Hence why I am so excited to feature her Etsy shop giveaway today! The shop is filled with oodles of goodies including napkins, pillows and cards… 3 of my all-time favorite things.

In this giveaway you can enter to win a set of these precious tea-time napkins:

{All photos taken by Lovely Stitch}

Here’s how you enter:

1)Like”  to be able to check out all of their fab napkiny and pillowy goodness. Gosh she has good taste in fabrics…

2) Tell me in the comment section below which of her products is your favorite. I just love her tea-time napkins.

3) Tell me in the comment section below what you would use these napkins for. I would use them at tea party with some girlfriends to place on tray that I serve tea on. They would contrast ever so nicely with my red polka dot enamel teapot and pastel pink teacups!

4) Pin your favorite item on your Pinterest. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got a where I put all of the things I dream of…

5) Share this giveaway post on your social media outlets with links to the giveaway. Share the love, folks!

The giveaway winner will be chosen at random and announced the afternoon of  Thursday, November 29 {France time, so early morning USA time}!

Don’t forget to follow Kaylee on her  & Etsy shop. You can also find her on  and . Happy trails!

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