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Paris’s craft beer world has somewhat exploded these past few months… in a good way. Microbreweries are popping up, and filling up beer shops across the city. Places like Deck & Donohue, Les Trois 8 and Fine Mousse are changing the way Parisians see their city’s beloved – and local -beer scene.

On the other hand, however, classic brew pubs (not sure what else to call them… Belgian brew pubs?) are still as lovely as ever – some of which have been around for quite some time and have a different feel (kind of like the Express the Lyon that just happens to have both Belgian classics and new craft breweries on tap). Not too far from the fabulous Académie de la Bière, in the Montparnasse neighborhood, Falstaff is a favorite in my book for a beer in Paris (or five) with dinner.

Falstaff is simple. They’ve got TVs for rugby and soccer games and glazed over eyes parked in front of them, simple tables with simple chairs and a drool-worthy menu. It’s not what some would consider “trendy” nor is it filled with bearded hipsters, oh no. It’s just fantastic and genuine in it’s own special we’ve-got-yummy-beer-and-delicious-moules-frites kind of way. Recommended on a random week night for a spontaneous get together.

42 Rue du Montparnasse, 75014


It’s official, I’ll be in Colorado this winter for Christmas. Boy, I am I a happy lady.

I haven’t had much time to blog lately with the busy-ness at work, but I promise that I’ve got a lot of things to share in the coming weeks, as summer has finally arrived in Paris. Everyone seems just a little bit more cheerful with the sun out. As much as I am in love with the Parisian lifestyle in the summer, today I’m thinking of those Rocky Mountains.


​Three Coloradans at the Eiffel Tower. Last summer was pretty magical, with lovely ladies in town and a hot summer that weirdly enough felt longer than the others after a long trip to Denver, and some down time before my professional life kicked off.​

Valerie was still living in Paris, one of my partners in crime and another Colorado francophile and my dear friend Rachel came to visit Paris for the first time. A trip to the Champs de Mars is always in store. As I’ve expressed previously on this little blog of mine, I love how full of locals this park is, depite being the pinacle of all tourism in the City of Lights. 7th dwellers come for a jog or to lay in the sun, other locals treck the city for the most cliché view with a bottle of wine or two… it’s pretty fantastic, even when packed.

I’m ready for some fresh air. Paris feels more alive in summertime.


When the sun is up early, and I find the energy, it’s nice to wander off to a different neighborhood for a stroll. These pictures were taken on one of my favorite yet trendiest streets, rue des Martyrs.

I think about what I would do if I was just visiting Paris one summer for only a few days – for my very first time. I would certainly hope that someone would have told me to just get up and walk around the weekend mornings…. to just get lost and admire the beautiful buildings and storefronts… to wander through little markets and brocantes filled with treasures, maybe grab a random croissant. I’d sit at a corner café, nothing fancy (although I like those, too), and sip an espresso while people watching.

Happy weekend, friends.



Only a whopping 5 minute walk from where I live is this magical place, the Jardin des Serres d’Auteuil.

If you are a Parisian and know how crowded all the major parks get on a hot day with a cloudless sky, you can imagine how nice it is to have one that is never THAT crowded right next to your apartment. A true luxury if you ask me. There’s always space, it’s calm and a stress-free zone. Plus, there are greenhouses you can take a stroll through if you dare.

I will admit that rain or shine I love this place, for a jog, for a picnic, for a stroll… it’s just fantastic and a staple in my little Parisian life.

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