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For my bestie’s last weekend in Paris before she moved to Munich for the next chapter in her professional life, we planned a little dinner date à deux at Soya, which I had been dying to try. I couldn’t think of anyone better to give this place a whirl with. This gal and I have made Paris our stomping ground, and have grown up so much since our arrival at the same Uni in 2008. It’s pretty crazy how time flies. I must say, the hard thing about expat life is that people leaving for new horizons becomes a common thing. I’ve been the one that’s left before – as I’m sure other expats totally get this feeling, too – so it’s a bittersweet goodbye, that is filled with so much excitement. Now I’ve gotta get my ass to Munich cos I miss her too much.

Soya is a magical vegetarian canteen that serves quality organic food (finding spots with a not as easy as you may think to come by in Paris). The deco has got that earthy yet industrial feel, big beautiful wooden doors, lit candles, some artwork, on the walls, wooden benches and a chalk board where they jot down what’s on the menu. It’s that “less is more” déco that is just perfect in my book. We kicked off the evening with Soya’s mezze plate which was yummy as. For the main dish I went with the lasagna, which I just loved every bite of. My date had the epic quinoa salad with falafel and a sort of veggie tajine with some hot sauce.

Ana Clara, the Brazilian bombshell photographed above, has always been someone I admire for many reasons. One of these one hundred reasons being that this girl truly cares about her body what she puts in it food-wise, which is actually pretty hard in this day and age (or at least I find). I’m not a vegetarian, but eating meals with no meat now and again comes more often than not in my house, and trying some colorfully crafted quality meals without meat is always fine by me.

20, rue de la Pierre-Levée, 75011
Tél: (reservations recommended)
Métro: Goncourt (11), République (3, 5, 8, 9, 11)


Summer is rolling out. I’m hoping this Indian summer will stick around just a few days more before the leaves fully turn and fall from their branches and the rain falls more often.

This summer Louis and I didn’t get vacation. I know, surprising being in France, the country with 5 weeks paid vacation which is often unheard of to most hardworking Americans. As I had just started my new permanent contract (paid vacation days have to be earned throughout the first year for the following year… vivement next year!) and Louis just started a new project, we had to swing through summer working full time on our mix and match schedules. We have nothing to complain about though; we are loving what we do, and this summer we took in slow, enjoyed Paris, but also hopped on the highway just a short ride to the countryside for a breath of fresh air with the in-laws whenever we could. An excuse to get out of Paris on the weekends certainly made summer feel more real.

A la campagne it feels like summer year round. Not because of the weather, but because it’s relaxing and just so beautiful. We dine even with the chills outside, with light gardlands lit and candles topping the table as soon as the sun goes down, it is as charming as ever. With the foggy mornings and flowers for every season in bloom throughout the year, it’s safe to say that the countryside is pure magic. My father-in-law’s garden was at its peak later than expected this year, so our fruit and veggie explorations were the cherry on top of a good weekend away during the Indian summer.

I suppose with age and wonderful experiences I’m realizing that summer doesn’t only consist in getting away for vacation to a beach somewhere. A weekend away in good company, delicious and quality grub in a beautifully cozy home can certainly suffice. What makes your summer feel like summer?


This year has been full of transitions, a few of which are still to come. From starting my big girl job, adopting a kitten, and to hanging out with mom in Paris for 2 weeks… it seems like 2014 has already been pretty tip top. I’ve met and shared memories with the sweetest and most inspiring friends, with heaps to come in the future. Summer came for a little while, but in general the months have flown by so quickly and I can hardly believe another season is about to arrive.

Lately I’ve been thinking about how idealistic I can be, or I suppose that I am. I’ve always been somewhat of a dreamer. I think far too much about the future with such motivation, no matter how near it is. I’m telling myself lately that I need to stop and smell the roses. I’m not really sure about how I feel about this trait of mine. There have been a few moments where I have to stop and tell myself that I’m 24 and I can slow down and just float in the present for a little while, and take it day by day.

I think I have a fear of time flying by too quickly, or missing out an opportunity, or a moment. Or maybe it’s not a fear, but just the way my mind interprets how short life actually is. Not in a sad droopy way, but in a ‘holy moly there’s so much to do and we’ve got to smell all of the roses’ kind of way. It may be precisely this that inclines me to talk even conversationally too fast, which I might add I do not do on purpose. It just happens. Who knows. Do you ever feel like you just need to hit pause?

Breathe deep. Slow down. Focus. Enjoy. That’s what’s on my mind for the coming months. Oh, la vie en rose.



With some pretty unexpected gloomy weather, Lauren had us covered to postpone an outdoor picnic with an indoor one up in the 20th: a summer night in the city with my favorite girls (didn’t get a chance to snap a picture of each of them).

La Bellevilloise opened its Grande Prairie for the summer, an indoor venue filled with outdoor je ne sais quoi that. Suspended eagles, good music, tropical plants, lawn chairs and tents with cushions, you’re covered for a cozy spot for a few beers or some rosé, even if it’s raining.

I feel like so many people crave to get out of Paris in the summer, but I quite like it to be honest.


I went through a phase (one that still comes and goes) where I would make quite often homemade sushi. It is always so refreshing and gosh, so simple to make.

To get the goods, I pop around rue Sainte Anne with the gal that got me addicted to homemade sushi, miss Valerie. Rue Saint Anne, well known for the plethora of delicious Asian cuisine restaurants of all price ranges, also houses a few Asian supermarkets that are filled with surprises to fill up your sushi and get creative with noodles.

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