Now that the freakishly late ending of summer has passed for good, we’ve quickly moved on to the chills. For once it feels like there was actually an autumn before moving to the super cold and rainy winter months, no? Chilly weather I just love, but man, the rain sometimes just doesn’t cut it for me. On a sidenote, it’s funny, because as a kid, winter started in October basically. I feel like in Paris the true cold kicks in well after the start of the new year. As I bundle up now before heading out, I think about the last sunny weekend in the countryside with some of Louis’s closest pals, and their lovely ladies who have become friends. I just love coming here, and sharing my in-law’s beautiful home and art de vivre. I sure am anxious for the next warm seasons to bring my girlfriends here to soak up the sun and eat from the garden. For now I’ve got to enjoy the winter, probably my favorite season as a Colorado girl. Too bad the Parisian wet winter just doesn’t compare to the blue skies and powdered snow of the Rockies…. Paris has another cozy charming winter to offer.


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