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Behind Montmartre is the home to a little secret… Paris’s German beer garden. Inspired by German everything, Kiez has a selection of German beers on tap, amongst other boissons, German snacks and heaps of German déco. Bref, it’s Bavarian madness and a great spot for a beer or five. This is making me excited for my weekend in Munich!

Lovelies Lauren Lou and Anne joined me to check out the place, and I immediately fell in love: laid back atmosphere with big tables and adorable knick-knacks, delicious Deutsche lagers, an outdoor patio perfect for the warm months …and of course, pretzels.

Kiez Biergarten Parisien
24 Rue Vauvenargues, 75018 Paris
Métro: Guy Môquet


A couple of memories from a stroll with mom on the left bank, when the sun was shining.



This year I want to be about crossing things off my to do list. Visiting places I’ve said I’d visit for a little while (when feasible, obviously). We are so lucky in Europe to be so close to so many beautiful places. The more I think about it, my list for French towns and regions to visit is getting longer and longer. Neighbor countries are doable over a weekend, which is just fantastic if you can work it into your budget.

I’m happy to say that I’ve already planned trips for #1 to #3, but that the others are a couple of the close and far destinations that I’ve certainly got on my mind, amongst many many others on this humongously diverse earth. Thank goodness Pinterest is an infinite source for list lengthening.

Travel is a bit of a weird thing, though. I was very lucky to travel heaps as a kid as my father lived in the Middle East. I’m so grateful for this. But I’ve noticed a “thing” in the work environment, in particular when my team was looking for an intern: some people put their travels on their CV. Literally a list of countries (sorry to any readers who do or have done this). To be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about it. As freshly graduated twenty somethings, travel comes down to three things in my opinion. One, you have the means to travel heaps thanks do daddy and mommy. Two, your parents took your traveling a lot as it is a passion of theirs and they found it important so when you can you do it. Three, you decided to travel on your own or work really hard to save up and have the means to be able to take even small trips because you’re anxious to see the world and discover different cultures. Anyways. I know many people who are so passionate about traveling and who have worked hard to be able to afford to travel, and I know how I find it so important to go to different parts of the world if you are able to. But for some this remains a luxury. Bref, I just don’t think a list of countries visited shows much on a CV out of context (ie. study abroad, backpacking…). Whatever.

Discover my travel dreams board on Pinterest .



This past holiday season I spent in my hometown with my family. I was welcomed home to a fresh sheet of powder and a baby nephew that I had been so anxious to meet since my brother and his wife welcomed him into the world last February. There were new places to discover, new beers to taste and familiar faces to see. It was full on family time to the most extreme level, and I couldn’t have asked for a better kind of Christmas.

It seems like the world turns at a faster pace when you’re away, and when you come back you realize how much has changed and how everyone has grown. And not to mention how much a city you used to know so well has evolved. It’s rather funny to think about, actually. I’m sure there’s the reverse side as well when I see my mama once every year, a year is such a long time and I’m sure I’ve grown every time I see her.

It’s like a breath of fresh air to all be together again for the holidays — my little complex, unique and happy modern family — as being far away isn’t always easy.