One of the best parts about living in a city like Paris is that people pass through, it’s a city that people often keep close to they’re heart if they’ve lived here at any point in their lifetime. Hunter, one of the two roommates I’ve ever had in my lifetime (we had an epic Montmartois apartment before the area exploded with trendiness) came through not too long ago which really made me a happy girl. We met and became friends when our University put on the musical Rent in early 2010. He was Angel, I was Maureen. Our mutual friends said we’d work well as roommates because we both loved the musical Rent so much. Let’s just say that they were right, we hit it off immediately. Hunter and I were roomsiemates during a big part of my life, when I met and started dating Louis and all. It was towards the end of University when I felt more like an actual big kid, and it’s the room I kept when I started to feel like Paris was my home. I also got really good at making quiches during that period. Oh, how time flies. It’s funny, when people you spent so much time in Paris with come back, it feels like they were never gone, despite how much Paris has evolved. This guy is irreplaceable.


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  1. Cee #
    June 17, 2015

    It’s true, really – at least, I think so because I see it from the other side. I used to live in Paris and whenever I go back, which is often, even though I notice all of the changes in the city, it feels like I’ve never been away and it’s harder to leave every time.


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