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Summer is rolling out. I’m hoping this Indian summer will stick around just a few days more before the leaves fully turn and fall from their branches and the rain falls more often.

This summer Louis and I didn’t get vacation. I know, surprising being in France, the country with 5 weeks paid vacation which is often unheard of to most hardworking Americans. As I had just started my new permanent contract (paid vacation days have to be earned throughout the first year for the following year… vivement next year!) and Louis just started a new project, we had to swing through summer working full time on our mix and match schedules. We have nothing to complain about though; we are loving what we do, and this summer we took in slow, enjoyed Paris, but also hopped on the highway just a short ride to the countryside for a breath of fresh air with the in-laws whenever we could. An excuse to get out of Paris on the weekends certainly made summer feel more real.

A la campagne it feels like summer year round. Not because of the weather, but because it’s relaxing and just so beautiful. We dine even with the chills outside, with light gardlands lit and candles topping the table as soon as the sun goes down, it is as charming as ever. With the foggy mornings and flowers for every season in bloom throughout the year, it’s safe to say that the countryside is pure magic. My father-in-law’s garden was at its peak later than expected this year, so our fruit and veggie explorations were the cherry on top of a good weekend away during the Indian summer.

I suppose with age and wonderful experiences I’m realizing that summer doesn’t only consist in getting away for vacation to a beach somewhere. A weekend away in good company, delicious and quality grub in a beautifully cozy home can certainly suffice. What makes your summer feel like summer?


Anne and I went for Sunday brunch at the new hoppin’ yesterday, and I must say the exterior and interior really caught my eye. We also had the pleasure of surprising the beautiful Lauren, rocking her barista skills.

The canalkeeper’s house was taken over recently by Sinny & Ooko, the mastermind’s behind , and made into a local hangout with drinks + simple grub. Situated on the quai de Loire, just on the Bassin de la Villette, le Pavillon des Canaux is a fully decorated and magical house with tables inside and out, perfect for events or just your brunch, lunch or coffee in the afternoon with dear ones.

Each of the rooms is decorated with colorful patterns, wallpapers and light fixtures, artwork on the walls, flowers in contrasting vases and perfect wooden tables… each with its own flare. The door to the hustly bustly kitchen upstairs is wide open – with checkered tiling on the floor might I add – with formica tables covered with the daily specials on mix and match plates. Every one of the living rooms caught my fancy, with the pops of color and flea market-like trinkets on shelves and tables left and right. It’s a cozy DIY haven and you’ll feel like you’re in a country home far far away from Paris when you pay a visit.

The 24 euro brunch includes : bottomless warm bevvies, juice and tartines, with a big plate filled with salad, homefries and an english muffin topped with a fried egg & bacon. Oh, and bottomless cake!

If you’re going for brunch on the weekend, I suggest arriving before 1pm, as they can be quite busy and even potentially run out of brunch grub. A stroll down the canal afterwards is a must, especially if the sun is shining.

39 quai de Loire, 75019
Métro: Laumière (5)


Sometimes a few good chilled beers is all you need to bring over to a friend’s place for an impromptu apéro & beer tasting… ideally after a quick stop at one of Paris’s beer shops (post of all of my favorite beer spots coming soon).

Photographed above are the fabulously labeled bottles of Brasserie de la Senne, one of my current fav’ European brasseries right now, located Brussels. It’s the ultimate Belgian craft brewery.

Stay tuned for my favorite beer stops in Paris, coming soon.


Sasha and Mathieu’s nest is filled with knick knacks and photographs – a life together. They also are the only people we have ever met with the same couch!

On the first floor of a precious building tucked behind a precious and floral courtyard is their wood floored Parisian paradise. As you enter past the first set of doors, you wouldn’t think your in Paris: plants arch over the rugged pathway, with random flowers left and right and a little gnome to greet you.

The wed couple has maximized their space, with shelving with stacked books and adorned walls with posters and photographs of them when they were young, their parents… Their royal blue couch is topped with geometric pillows, and their coffee table with coasters from travels and other trinkets. All of these little things make their apartment their own, and gives off nothing but the feeling of coziness.

Gaspard, their precious pup, roams freely and loves company. Having tea parties with Sasha is as cozy as can be. Sidenote: how amazing is their bar cart?


It’s been a while since I’ve posted on spaces. I wanted to share Olivia‘s space because it was so filled with personality, even despite it being her new home in Istanbul.

Upon our arrival, Olivia already had crystals and candles laid out, her favorite posters up on the walls and little plants placed left and right. She’s one of those people that makes her space her own naturally, and effortlessly. Her free spirit and lifestyle is shown in the way she dresses up her apartment – it is dreamy and filled with nature and light. I just think it’s magical.

How to make your home reflect yourself? In a new city how to make your house your home?

Follow Olivia and her adventures in Istanbul, and her business Cleopatra’s Bling on and .

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