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As twenty-something Parisians know, it’s not always easy to find an apartment with an oven. The saf sad truth of smaller apartments in the City of Lights. We all hate to accept it’s true, but know it is. Of all of the apartments I’ve lived in across this city since 2008, only 2 have ever had ovens. After 3 years in our current nest with an itty bitty kitchen and lack of the magical thing that is an oven, we are taking the leap and moving. And yes, a hole for an oven was part of the criteria.

That said, I am obviously daydreaming of all of the baked things on my that I’ll enfin be able to make for my honey and for friends. Gratin, lasagna, roasted vegetables, homemade pizza… my dreams are soon going to come true.

What are your favorite things to bake or roast? Here is some  inspiration for recipe adventures I’m really looking forward to having:

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