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I’m still in shock about how the Royal Gorge bridge in Cañon City, Colorado was destroyed by a wildfire in that area. Apparently the bridge was completely ruined. Crazy to think we were there only 7 days before that….

I just love these vintage style post cards. Better than the modern ones, that’s for sure!

Last night was a Yelp Elite party at a bobun heaven, Saï. I can’t wait to go through those photos!


I’ll never get over this view in the Tuileries gardens. That strip of buildings makes me smile.

Looking for a delicious Lebanese treat? Liza has delicious manoushés. Makes me miss Beirut!

This impasse in the 16th is so stunning. My eyes always wander when I walk by. It’s just so immense!


La Défense is such an interesting part of town. It is so spacious and modern, and when you’re so used to the beige Parisian buildings, it’s a mind twist! Plus, I had no idea there was so much modern art and statues and the likes there. I can’t wait to go back in the summertime. I will post more pictures from Valerie & I’s adventure on here soon.

I love mixing styles, and what better than polka dots with my grandmother’s Native American jewelry?

Finally got some of these ball lights that I’ve been drooling over. More girly goodness à la maison. Pourquoi pas?

P.S. Need some visually pleasing & adorably clever French lessons?


It was the first sunny day in a while.

Yesterday was the demonstration for Mariage Pour Tous [Marriage for all], a law that is to be . This was my first participation in a French manifestation. Exciting it was, indeed!

Passionate and emotional people of both sexes, all age groups and colors, gathered in the streets and marched to fight for equality in the country that holds the word in it’s slogan.

The sun was shining and people were chanting. It was just so powerful. And after the disgusting demonstration against this law that is to be voted on two weeks ago, some positivity was needed. What happened two weeks ago basically was 340k people from all over France gathering to fight against something that doesn’t even effect them. It made my heart ache to think about how many ignorant and close minded people there are in the world, and I am anxious for a change to be made especially in a powerful country like France. This will change the lives of so many families, children and couples.

It’s 2013. It’s time for people to be treated equal, and for everyone to be able to marry, adopt or have children with the person of their choosing- no matter what sex they are. The hundreds of Belgians that were marching yesterday are right….the cried, “Allez la France, un petit effort” [Come on France, give a little effort].

On a side note, all of the signs were so well done. Some of my favorite quotes from signs included:

“Homosexuality is not a choice, but equality is”

“We want to deal with the same shit as heteros deal with”

“Did anyone ever ask my opinion on your marriage?”

“Belgium legalized gay marriage in 2003, and the country still exists, and people still eat fries with mussels”

“Two moms is worth more than a shitty dad”

For some more pictures & opinions on the event, you can check out my friend Ana Clara’s blog for a good read.

Je suis fière d’être du bon côté de l’histoire.


Trois petites choses de vendredi

Friday things - De quelle planète es-tu? Friday things - De quelle planète es-tu? Friday things - De quelle planète es-tu?

Deck the halls!

This year we’ve got a little tree in our apartment, even though I’ll be headed westward next week. My mom gave Louis this Budweiser ornament 2 years ago, and it’s currently displayed on our first ever sapin de Noël!

I drool over the Russian dolls at Christmas markets every year. They are so beautiful and intricately painted. It’s quite odd to see them in large quantities to be honest. If you close your eyes just a little bit it’s almost like a tessellation.

I had a bobun at Le Petit Cambodge the other day and boy, was it delicious. It was about time I went there, I had heard so many great things. Have you been? What do you get there?

Have a fantastic weekend tout le monde.

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