Posts tagged Spare Time

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​Three Coloradans at the Eiffel Tower. Last summer was pretty magical, with lovely ladies in town and a hot summer that weirdly enough felt longer than the others after a long trip to Denver, and some down time before my professional life kicked off.​

Valerie was still living in Paris, one of my partners in crime and another Colorado francophile and my dear friend Rachel came to visit Paris for the first time. A trip to the Champs de Mars is always in store. As I’ve expressed previously on this little blog of mine, I love how full of locals this park is, depite being the pinacle of all tourism in the City of Lights. 7th dwellers come for a jog or to lay in the sun, other locals treck the city for the most cliché view with a bottle of wine or two… it’s pretty fantastic, even when packed.

I’m ready for some fresh air. Paris feels more alive in summertime.


Often I feel like when I’ve got a day off, I squeeze in more and am ultimately more productive. Do you ever feel this way? The day always seems a bit brighter than just a normal weekend day. It’s funny, isn’t it?


When you’ve got a day to share with someone, it makes it even more exciting. Steph and I hit up the 12th to check out Sandy’s Cupcakes, and made a few stops along the way. The sun came in and out of the clouds and when it was hiding we would slide into a café like Le Rouge Limé to stay warm (yes, remember how in May it was freezing cold most of the time?).

It’s funny, since now it’s really hot in Paris, I’m thinking of those cooler days and I say to myself, boy, those were nice. Sometimes all one needs is a little breeze.


The nice weather isn’t charming us with its presence this year I suppose. I’m in Colorado for a few weeks, and I’m thinking of my summer memories when this time of year was a heatwave of poolside goodness and sweaty hikes. In Paris this time of year it was thought to be Spring.

I was going through some old pictures, and I found images from this little adventure escaping from the chills with Olivia in the Marché Couvert des Batignolles one morning.

I had never been before, and boy, was I in for a surprise.  There were so many various vendors, and since it was a weekday morning, we basically had the place to ourselves. Flowers, pastries, meat, dairy, fruits & veggies, regional stands…..this covered market has got it all, and was the perfect escape from the windy Parisian streets.

Olivia is a local there, so it was nice to stroll and interact with the vendors she goes to weekly to fill her basket.

The brightly colored flowers made my day.

To read more about the Marché Couvert des Batignolles, check out Olivia’s blog posts.


This past spring and summer I have learned so much about gardening at Louis’s country house. I sure hope to have my own garden someday… what a dream that would be. But as this cold comes abruptly in, the tomatoes in this garden are not surviving.

Looks like we are moving into the winter goods.

What are your favorite winter veggies? What do you make with them?

P.S. This is the garden where Olivia had a field day and taught me some delicious recipes like this one and this one. Drooling?

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