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Devil's Food - De quelle planète es-tu? 1

Devil's Food - De quelle planète es-tu? 2

Devil's Food - De quelle planète es-tu? 3

Devil's Food - De quelle planète es-tu? 4

Devil's Food - De quelle planète es-tu? 5

Devil's Food - De quelle planète es-tu? 6

Devil's Food - De quelle planète es-tu? 7

Devil's Food - De quelle planète es-tu? 8

My sister-in-law showed me this place while strolling through the shopping part of Gaylord street one afternoon. I was immediately drawn in my all of the cake stands filled with sweets & goodies, and the retro feel in general of the place with random pops of art all over the place. She had mentioned it was great for breakfast, so Taryn and I just had to give it a whirl while I was in Denver.

Although it was tough to pick what to take, we both went with the breakfast sandwich, which was a dream. Next to our bottomless coffee it was colorful and full of so many delicious and classic tastes. The restaurant had a calm hustle-bustle, with smiling staff and precious décor in every corner.

Next time I plan to try their mouth watering desserts alongside a cup of tea.

Devil’s Food most definitely was a fabulous stop, and the perfect place for a delicious breakfast with a gal pal.

Devil’s Food Bakery & Cookery
1020 South Gaylord Street
Denver, Colorado 80209