Firstly, HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! Read this amazingly clever post on Thought Catalog.

The one person whom I trust to give me cupcake go-to advice in NYC is the one and only Cat of Sugar Daze. Why, you ask? Because she makes the best cupcakes ever, and is from the Big Apple. With this said, she suggested Two Little Red Hens (still to go) and to try . We found the Standard Deli and headed one night to try a Robicelli’s cupcake.

And the best part… they served the cupcakes in a Greek cup (which made my day to say the least). Robicelli’s cupcakes are found in many locations, to find one nearest you, check out their locations . I had the Frutti di Busco, and it was delicious and fruitified. I’m excited to try different flavors in the different locations. Hooray! And Greek cups…. YES PLEASE.

Cupcakes in NYC…. oui oui.



Post a comment
  1. June 19, 2011

    so fun! yummy!!! more cupcake places please

  2. June 20, 2011

    They look wonderful and love how they come in a cup!! Thanks for stopping by my blog, you are welcomed anytime!! Great blog :)) xxx

  3. erin #
    June 21, 2011

    love it!!! and the picture of you opening it in wonder is the best part ;)

  4. June 21, 2011

    You look so gorgeous in these pics. And so does that cupcake! :) Please send some my way!

  5. #
    June 21, 2011

    My balsamic strawberry cupcake! I want to recreate it. Let’s buy a thermometer for the oven.


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